Thursday, December 31, 2015

Chicken and vegetable stir fry with sweet potato mash

Ingredients: coconut oil, salt, pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, onions, rosemary, green wise chicken breast, sweet potato.

1) Preheat the oven to 450. Wash your sweet potato then wrap it in tin foil and place it in the oven for 40-50 minutes.

 2) Fire up the grill and start seasoning your chicken breast. Once the grill is hot and place the seasoned chicken on the grill.

3) Gather all other ingredients, then place 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Start chopping up vegetables into quarter size pieces. Place all the chopped veggies in the frying pan. Then top with salt, pepper, and chopped rosemary.

4) The chicken will take 15-20 minutes on the grill depending on the size of the breast. Keep stirring the vegetables to let the flavors infuse together. By this time your sweet potato should be about finished.

5) Once the chicken is cooked take it off the grill to cool. Take the cooked sweet potato out of the tin foil then split it down the middle to cool off. Slice up the chicken and throw it onto the stir fry at low heat. Take the sweet potato out of its skin and mash it up with your fork. Place the stir fry on your plate with the sweet potato mash and get ready for a healthy flavorful dinner! Remember eating healthy doesn't have to be boring and repetitive. Cook with different herbs and spices to add flavors to dishes. Have a healthy and happy last day of the year!


Monday, December 21, 2015

Thier are several differnt techniques for stretching. Self myofascial release is a technique that focuses on the tissue that surrounds and separates the muscle. By applying gentle force to bundled muscle fibers or a "knot" it will help break up the muscle fibers and release unwanted tension which can lead to muscular imbalances. A foam roller is a highly effective method of myofascial release. You must roll out until you find a tendor spot and maintain steady pressure for a minimum of 30 seconds. The more painful the knot the more time you should spend trying to release the tension. This method is extremely important for athletes or people who live active lifestyles. Another technique is static stretching. This is a more tradition method that focuses on stretching a muscle with lower force and longer duration. Usually trying to hold the point of tension for 30 seconds. This allows the muscle to relax and allows for better elongation of the muscle. This method is often used to decrease muscle spindle activity of a tight muscle before and after an activity.

  Another technique is Active isolated stretching is the process of using agonist and synergistic to dynamically move the joint into a range of motion. This method is predominantly used  for warm ups before sporting events or high intensity excercises. If an individual posses any muscular or postural imbalance this technique will not recommended. Typically 5 to 10 repetitions of each stretch performed and held 1 to 2 seconds each. Dynamic stretching uses the force production of a muscle and the bodies momentum to take a joint through the full available range of motion. Hip swings, medicine ball rotations, and walking lunges are good examples of dynamic stretching. This method is also only recommended if the person has good levels of core stability and balance.  The main thing I try to preach to clients is to live as healthy as they can. Training shouldn't just be about looking a certain way. The goal is to be healthy, strong, flexible, fast, and well balanced. Stretching might not be the most exciting activity in the world but it's so important to your have your body operate at a high level.

NSB surf report

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Goals and strategies for stabilization training. This is where new clients or anyone starting an Excercise program for the first time should start. The main focus for this type of training is to increase muscular indurance and stability while developing optimal neuromuscular efficientcy. Enhance joint stability, increase flexibility, enhance control of posture, and improving coordination and balance. This type of training addresses the existing structural deficiencies, and also provides a superior way to alter body composition. Training in a unstable, yet controllable environment. Light weight with high repitions. No matter what your goals are in fitness you will never reach them without addressing your muscular or postural imbalances.

 This is the basics for enhancing your body and getting it to run at a high efficientcy. If you do not start improving your muscular and skeletal system eventually it will lead to pattern overload and Injury. Your goal should always be to become a healthier person, not just wanting a certain look. The human body wants To be strengthened and stretched. It was not designed to sit on the couch all day eating processed foods. It was designed  to run, jump, twist, turn, lift, and pull. To eat natural food that comes from the earth. Your body is capable of amazing things if it's taken care of properly. One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting a fitness routine is trying to do to much to quick. If you have lived a unhealthy lifestle for sometime you can't expect a couple weeks of tough workouts to replace months/years of being sedentary. The key to success is taking it one day at a time. Addressing any imbalances you may have, eating healthy natural food, and giving your body enough time rest and recover. Finding a balance that will keep your body running effectively and feeling good for years to come. Several small steps end up covering a lot of ground. Have a healthy and happy Wednesday!,

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The benefits of compound movements for gaining lean muscle and fat loss. A compound movement is an Excercise that works multiple areas at one time. These movements are ideal for fat loss because they require a lot more energy then isolating a certain muscle group. They are also ideal for avoiding pattern overload. People who train one muscle group at a time are more inclined to develop muscular imbalances, because they tend to overwork certain muscle groups and neglect others. Compound movements strengthen the whole body and improve the skeletal system. ( deadlifts, squats, and lunges) are all extremely effective compound movements.

 Deadlifts work nearly every muscle in your body and help improve your posterior chain. When performed correctly their are highly effective for fat lost because they work so many different areas and require a lot of energy to perform. Squats are another great excercise to promote lean muscle growth. When you squat correctly you engage your hips, legs, core, and back, it is also a very functional movement. Lunges are another great excercise that can be performed in different planes of motion. They are great for improving strength, balance, and flexibility. These movements are highly effective  because they work multiple areas and it forces you to make different muscle groups work together. If your main goal is fat loss and increasing lean muscle mass you should definitely implement compound movements into your routine. Diet will always be the most important factor to your success, but you should also be training towards your goals. If you train arms twice a week, you will definitley gain muscle in your arms, but it will do little to change your bodies composition. Work smarter not harder. Have a happy and healthy weekend!!

NSB surf report

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sugar creates an addictive cycle of hunger, fatigue, and moodiness. It initially spikes blood sugar, causing us to feel energized and happy. But since their is no real nutrients in sugar our blood sugar quickly drops, leaving us tired, moody, and craving more. Sugar causes excess storage of fat. It triggers the body to produce insulin, which tells fat cells to store more. It also causes inflammation which is seen as a precursor to chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Sugar is highly addictive and overtime can be extremely toxic to the body. Research has shown that giving up refined sugars for 5 days can dramatically reduce the body's dependence on sugar. That includes processed foods, condiments, candy baked goods, sweetened beverages and fruit juices. All of which are loaded with artificial sweeteners. The cravings will be the strongest during those first five days. These foods will help reduce cravings.

 Foods that are high in protein, fat, and fiber will help your body fight off sugar cravings. These foods are highly satisfying and keep the feeling full for longer. Good fats like omega 3's will provide you with satiety and help reduce cholesterol levels. Good options would be eggs, nuts, avocados, olive oil, humus, wild salmon, or antibiotic free chicken. Another good option is to choose green leafy vegetables over bread, pasta, and refined carbohydrates. Breads are quickly converted to sugars thus creating the same cycle. Vegetables and complex carbohydrates, which keep you feeling full for hours and helps control your blood sugar levels. Arugula and kale are great for detoxing from sugar. Pure dark chocolate (100% cacao) can also help you get off sugar by releasing endorphins without spiking your sugar. Another very important step to flushing access sugar  out of your body is drinking lots of water. Drinking plenty of water will help you feel full and also flush out sugar which can cause you to retain extra water (water weight). Its important to understand the harmful effects of sugar, and take the necessary steps to break this addictive cycle.

NSB surf report

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The main goal for everyone starting an exercise program should be to become as healthy as possible, not just look ripped, or starve yourself for results. Being healthy isn't a hobby its a lifestyle! A combination of eating well, exercising often, getting plenty of sleep, and trying to maintain balance in all aspects of your life. Eating healthy is essential to changing your bodies composition. Its impossible to out work a bad diet. You can do all the burpees, battle ropes, and tire flips you want. You will never see real results unless your eating the right foods, or more importantly staying away from the wrong ones. A healthy diet should consist of natural whole foods. Eating organic as much as possible. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken, eggs, lean cuts of beef. Trying to avoid chemical enhanced or genetically modified foods. Unfortunately the food supply in America is so flooded with these food like products, its important to understand the damage they are doing on your body.

 Nutrition isn't the only factor in a healthy lifestyle. Sleep is very important to give your mind and body time to recharge from the day. Your muscles need time to recover from a tough workout in order to grow stronger. Its also important to stretch and strengthen the body to avoid pattern overload and prevent injury. Training the whole body through compound movements, is a great way to avoid over working certain body parts and neglecting others. Stress is another major factor in your health. You cannot control your stress levels, however if you exercise, eat well, and get plenty of sleep, you will definitely be less stressed. Meditation is a very powerful stress reliever also! Remember exercise doesn't have to always be jogging or lifting weights. Swim, ride bikes, do yoga, try boxing, try different things to keep you active. It will help you not get bored as well as train your body in different positions. This is key for growth physically and emotionally. The human body was designed to eat foods that the earth provides, not chemicals cooked up in a lab to cut back food cost. If you treat your body right it will treat you right back! Have a healthy and happy week!

NSB surf report

Monday, October 26, 2015

6 foods that you do not want to put in your body...

1) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Both GMOs, and the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to cause rapid tumor growth. They are a breeding ground for inflammation, cancer, and other health risk. GMOS are everywhere in todays food cycle, including most food derivatives from conventional corn, soybeans, and canola. Avoid these harmful chemicals buy choosing certified organic, certified non GMO verified, and locally grown foods that are produced naturally.

2) Processed meats- Lunch meats, bacon, sausage, and hot dogs all contain chemical preservatives that make them appear fresh and appealing, however these chemicals have been linked to cancer. Both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite have been linked to significantly  increase the risk of colon and other forms of cancer. Try to buy uncured meats made without nitrates, preferably from a grass fed source.

3) Soda- Probably one of the worst things you can put in your body. Loaded with sugar, food chemicals, and artificial colorings, soda acidifies the body and literally feeds cancer cells. Many chronic diseases have been linked to soda including obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

4) Redefined sugars- Fructose rich sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and xanthum gum, tend to rapidly spike insulin and cause inflammation. These chemicals are toxic and found in almost all cookies, cakes, sodas, sauces, and cereals that line our supermarkets shelves. This is a major reason chronic disease is at a all time high in the U.S.

5) Diet foods or beverages. Be aware of misleading marketing of these so called healthy products. Sucralose and aspartame ( two of the most commonly used sweeteners ) have been linked to numerous diseases including birth defects and cancer. They can both be found in most protein bars, shakes, and supplements.

6) Farmed salmon- These fish are often stored in overcrowded farms and fed antibiotics to avoid one sick fish contaminating the whole farm. Wild caught salmon is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, unfortunately lots of the chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides used in farm raised salmon have been linked to cancer and other health problems.  

Pay attention to what you put in your body. All 6 of these foods are common in the average American diet. As a society we have become very unhealthy over the last 50 years, with chronic disease at a all time high. Obesity, diabetes, and cancer have all been linked to these foods so why would you put them in your body??

NSB surf report 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

   The importance of enjoying your vacation without obsessing over calories or the scale. The goal when trying to lose fat and keep it off for good is balance. This is the main reason I am not a huge supplement guy or do not look for quick fixes in regards to nutrition. (Iam not talking about a protein shake or a pre workout here and there.)I am talking about a restrictive low carb low fat diet that consist mostly of liquid. If you are on a low calorie restricted diet, then have a week of exploring and trying new foods. Their is a good chance you will gain a significant amount of weight and thus starts the yoyo effect. Your body starts constantly battling between low calorie days and high calorie days. This can effect your metabolism and be taxing on the digestive system. If you normally eat a healthy well balanced diet, a few extra calories here and their will not have the same effect. If your body is use to getting enough nutrients, exercise, and rest. Your metabolism will be primed to burn off extra calorie consumption. Even if you do pack on a few extra pounds during vacation, it will come off a lot quicker.

  Being healthy isn't just about a look its a way of life. Treating others well, having good relationships with family members and loved ones. Go travel as often as you can, taste the amazing food this world has to offer. Keep your body strong and your mind stronger! Its important to take time everyday to work on yourself. When you get a chance to travel, walk as often as you can. Not just because it will help burn off some of those extra calories, but so you can experience the culture and breath in the air.  Talk to the locals, go hiking, find something you can do outdoors! Life is not meant to be spent in one spot, so travel far, and travel often! Their is something that cannot be learned in books, it can only be learned through experiences. The main goal is tying to find a healthy balance in all aspects of life. This can be extremely hard to do, and is definitely not a one size fits all answer. That is one of the beautiful thing in about life. Every person has to find a balance that works for them! So my advice is not to jump on a scale or count a calorie while your traveling. Enjoy the food, explore as much as you can and enjoy every minute of it!!

NSB surf report

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Appleberry Grilled Chicken Salad

Ingredients: Green wise chicken breast, kale, spinach, swiss chard, honeycrisp apple, strawberries, almonds, salt, pepper, jerk seasoning

1) Fire up the grill, then clean and season your chicken breast. ( I used salt, pepper, and jerk seasoning.) Once the grill is hot and the chicken is prepped, place it on the grill.

2) Gather all the other ingredients, ( fruits and veggies) and thoroughly wash them. Cut the apple in half then slice it up and cut the slices in half. Next cut off the top of the strawberries, then slice them in half.

3) Cut up veggies ( kale, spinach, swiss chard) then place them on the bottom of the plate. Take sliced fruit and place it around the perimeter of the plate. Put the dish in the refrigerator to stay cool.

4) It should take the chicken breast between 20-25 minutes depending on the size of the breast. Once chicken is fully cooked, take off the grill. Place the chicken on top of the salad and finish it off with a handful of almonds. You are about to be in food heaven!! Enjoy!!

Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring! This is a simple to make nutrient rich dish, well balanced and full of flavor!

NSB surf report

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10 Foods that will naturally help your body burn fat!

1) Nuts- They are nutrient dense foods that provide your body with energy and also provide satiety. Eating one serving of nuts a day can cut your risk of developing cardiovascular significantly.

2) Coconut oil- contains monounsaturated fats that will help control your cholesterol levels, as well as satisfy food cravings.

3) Eggs-They are an excellent source of b12, our body needs b12 to metabolize fat. Its recommended to eat eggs for breakfast, they give you lots of energy and are an excellent source of protein.

4) Berries- They are loaded with fiber, just one cup of raspberries has 6 grams. Fiber helps you feel full and also helps the digestive system work correctly.

5) Lean meats and Fish- Salmon, Tuna, and Turkey are perfect examples of these foods. They are full of omega 3s, one of their functions is to prevent stress chemicals that promote fat. They are also great sources of protein, which is key for building muscle.

6) Oatmeal- Boost energy levels, reduces cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels, helps burn fat and also aids with digestion.

7) Apples- They are packed with nutrients and are a rich source of vitamin C, also they have a lot on dietary fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly.

8) Avocados- Loaded with healthy fats and also has anti bacterial properties. They contain the amino acid Lecithin, which helps the liver run efficiently.

9) Hot peppers-  They have a compound called "capsaicin" that heats up the body, firing up your metabolism helping you to burn off excess calories. Cayenne and chili peppers cause a thermo genic effect which essentially helps boost your metabolism.

10) Green Tea- contains antioxidants that provide your metabolism a temporary boost. Sending signals to your body to start breaking down stored energy (fat)

NSB surf report

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Weight less workout.

 This is a great out door workout designed for fat loss and increased lean muscle mass. You don't need any weights or equipment just 20 yards of space. The beach or a park is an ideal so you can get some fresh air and vitamin d while exercising. Estimate roughly 20 yards and you are ready to start.

1) warm up 5-10 minutes actively stretching out your whole body.

2)  Bear crawl down and back the 20 yards.

3) 10 burpees

4) 1minute of mountain climbers

5) Sprint as fast as you can for 20 yards

6) walking lunges back to the starting position

7) Repeat 5 times as fast as you can ( starting with the bear crawl )

8) cool down 5-10 minutes stretching

 This is a tough workout but very effective. Its important to switch up your training so you do not plateau. The body needs to be constantly challenged in order to continue to grow. Have a healthy and happy Wednesday!

NSB surf report

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Creating good habits will be essential to your success when starting a fitness program. Everybody has unhealthy habits, its important to understand what they are and work to correct them. Whether its eating sweets before bed, skipping breakfast, or munching on chips all day. Its important to find a healthy replacement for your bad habit. The key factors to living a healthy lifestyle or changing your bodies composition are exercise, nutrition, rest, and stress. You cannot control your stress levels, but if your exercising regularly, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep it will definitely reduce your stress levels. A good habit to form is planning your meals out. If you know what your having to eat throughout the day your less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. Never skip breakfast! this is a very important meal that will help provide you energy for the rest of the day. People who skip breakfast tend to overeat later in the day which can limit progress and lead to weight gain.

 Drink lots of water. Avoid sugary drinks and wasted calories with no nutritional benefit. Before you put anything into your body, ask yourself "is this going to help me reach my goal or hurt me." One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose fat is eating junk food before bed. Even if you eat well throughout the day and exercise, eating a sugary snack before bed will cause your body to store fat while you sleep. Bring healthy snacks to work with you or while your on the go. Instead of eating chips or a shake try a piece of fruit or some almonds. These foods are nutrient dense and help provide satiety to keep you from snacking until your next meal. Creating these good habits now, will be a catalyst to your success in the future. The goal is to be healthy, feel good, and look good. It all starts with your habits.

NSB surf report

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Deadlifts are one of the most effective movements to adding strength and lean muscle to your physique. Deadlifts are a compound exercise that engages all your major muscle groups. No other movement does more for your entire body than deadlifts. It directly targets your core muscles which play a important role in your posture, balance, and power. It is also great for improving the posterior chain which is muscles in the rear of the body such as hamstrings, glutes, lowerback, and calves. These muscles are very important for athletic performance and correct posture. This lift works more muscles simultaneously than any other movement and when performed correctly will help build thoracic muscles that support the spine. It is also very effective at increasing your grip strength.

  Deadlifts are also a very functional movement. If your performing physical labor or daily chores try to mimic the same form you use while deadlifting. You will find that lifting heavy objects off the floor will become easier and will help prevent lower back pain if lifted correctly. These lifts are very energy demanding and taxing on the respiratory system. Adding them to your workout routine will improve your cardio and conditioning. Their are many variations of this lift used to target different muscle groups. Traditional deadlifts, romainian deadlifts, sumo, and suitcase deadlifts. It is a very dynamic motion with a ton of benefits to your body, but it is imperative that the movement is done correctly. Make sure you know what your doing before trying this lift. Never sacrifice form for weight, its a lot more effective to your body to perform this movement properly with lighter weight than risking injury by trying to let your ego lift it.

NSB surf report

Saturday, September 12, 2015

In todays society nearly everyone is plagued by postural imbalances, largely as a result of sedentary lifestyles. Office jobs that require workers to sit for long periods of time have led to dramatic increases in work related injuries, including lower back pain, neck pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, and increased rates of obesity. Flexibility training has become recognized as an important help aid in preventing and treating various neuromuscular injuries. Clients without adequate levels of flexibility and range of motion may not be able to reach their fitness goals until these imbalances are corrected. Flexibility is defined as the ability to move a joint through its full ROM (range of motion) The Human Movement system, known as the kinetic chain is made up of the muscular, skeletal, and nervous system. If one or more segments of the HMS is misaligned and not functioning properly, it can lead to injury and postural imbalances.

   Working on improving your flexibility through proper stretching methods and yoga will reduce your risk of muscle imbalances, joint dysfunctions, and overuse injuries. Foam rollers, stretch bands, and active stretching are all useful methods of flexibility training.  All segments of the kinetic chain must be properly aligned for your body to run efficiently. If you train the same way all the time or have a repetitive job , you are susceptible to pattern overload and injuries. People who go to the gym regularly to strength train, must also work on flexibility to avoid overuse and injury. It doesn't matter how much weight you can lift, if your body is not aligned correctly you will never reach optimal levels of performance. I will be posting some videos on corrective exercise and flexibility training on you tube soon be sure to check them out!

NSB surf report

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Quinoa and Chicken Stir Fry

Ingredients: organic carrots, onions, black beans, beansprouts, broccoli, mushrooms, coconut oil, salt, pepper, chicken, cashews.

First gather all ingredients and slice up the vegetables into quarter size pieces. Melt some coconut oil over medium heat in a deep sided Sautee pan. Start boiling two cups of water to cook one cup of quinoa. Slice up the chicken, then melt some coconut oil in another frying  pan. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and start pan frying it. While the chicken is starting to cook place the broccoli and carrots in the bigger Sautee pan. Stir them thoroughly then add other vegetables.

 By this time your water should be boiling, so add the cup of quinoa to the water then reduce the heat to a simmer. Make sure to stir all the vegetables well and that the chicken doesn't overcook. It takes about 12-15 minutes to cook the quinoa, by the time its finished everything else should be done. Take the cooked chicken and add it to the veggie pan. Pan roast a cup or so of cashews then add the to the stir fry also. Now all the ingredients besides the quinoa is in the stir fry. We added some teriyaki sauce to add flavor, but this is optional. Turn the heat low and let all those wonderful flavors marinate together. Last put stir fry into a bowl, then add a serving of quinoa and mix everything together. You are now ready to eat! This is a nutrient rich dish, that is healthy and loaded with falvor!! Remember eating health doesn't have to be boring. 

 NSB surf report

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Core training has become a cornerstone of physical fitness. The objective of  core training is to strengthen the deep and superficial muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body.
Historically strengthening the core has been prescribed to many patients with lower back problems. Today core training has become popular amongst athletes to improve sports performance. A weak core is a fundamental inherent to inefficient movement that may lead to pattern overload and eventually injury. A properly designed core training program will help a client gain neuromuscular control, stability, endurance, strength, and power of the core. The local stabilizers are muscles that attach directly to the vertebrae. These muscles provide support to your spine and help stabilize it through movements. The core is the origin of all movement and the center of gravity for the body. An efficient core is important to maintain proper muscle balance throughout the whole human movement system.

 Numerous studies have shown that training the core properly can help prevent or rehibitate people who suffer from lower back pain. Core stabilizing exercises restore size of muscles and can help fix imbalances. The stronger and more efficiently you strengthen your core, the less likely you will be to suffer from lower extremity pain. Most people think of core training as just doing sit ups. In reality it is training all the muscles that make up the lumbar pelvic hip complex. It is so important to how the rest of your body moves. If you have a weak core or muscular imbalance that isn't addressed, it will eventually lead to injury. I will be posting some good core exercise later in the week! Have a health and happy Saturday!! 

NSB surf report

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Their are tons of benefits to eating raw vegetables! Vegetables play a important role in providing the body with what it needs to function properly. They provide our cells with vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential oils, and nutrients. While eating cooked veggies is good for you, their are certain advantages to eating raw vegetables. Cooking them destroys certain essential nutrients such as vitamin C and also kills productive enzymes that help you digest food. They are low in fats and calories, they are also a great source of dietary fiber. Their high fiber content leaves your body feeling full and can prevent cravings. Eating foods rich in fiber is associated with lowering the risk of chronic disease and heart problems. Soluble fibers found in raw vegetables can also lower and control the levels of "bad cholesterol" in the blood stream.

 The food supply in the U.S. has become so abundant with processed or genetically engineered foods, its important to make sure your feeding your body what it needs to operate properly. Real food, not overly processed chemically injected substance. Chronic disease along with a lot of other ailments have been linked to theses "foods." Eating raw cruciferous vegetables has been proven to lower the chances of getting certain types of cancer. Raw vegetables contain higher amounts of antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system. The best place to get fresh and seasonal veggies is at local produce stands or farmers markets. Buy local organically grown food! Its one of the best things you can do to keep your body healthy! You really are what you eat..

Monday, August 24, 2015

We need to teach the next generation the importance of  eating healthy natural foods. Kids are sponges, they absorb what they learn at a early age and these habits usually stick with them into adulthood. It is are responsibility as parents, teachers, coaches, and community members to ensure we stop the current trend of obesity and chronic disease occurring in our country. It amazes me that we still have soda machines, snack machines, and highly processed foods in every school in this country. Thier is nothing more important to your health than what you put into your body. You cannot rely on the school system to provide kids with the foods they need to to have a well balanced diet. Kids need fruits, vegetables, and natural foods, not a bunch of highly processed, sugary snacks.

Its that time of the year again when kids go back to school. Instead of ceral in the morning, try making them eggs and fruit. A healthy breakfast is very important to having energy to make it through the day. Encourage them to bring fruit, veggies, and nuts to snack on. Having a candy bar or some cheese sticks once in awhile is fine, but when kids live off these highly processed foods they start to develop problems. Until the food supply in the school system is completely revamped and healthier choices are available in abundance, we must all play a part in educating future generations.
You really are what you eat, so choose carefully!!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Their are numerous benefits to strength training. In the fitness industry you meet a lot of people who don't want to lift weights because they think that it will make them bigger. When your goal is fat loss, which is the case for the majority of clients that hirer trainers, building muscle is essential to your success. The more muscle you have on your body the less fat you will have. Muscle also takes more energy to maintain than fat, so the more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn to maintain these muscles. People are often so concerned with weight-loss that they judge their progress solely on what the scale reads which is a recipe for disappointment. So many different factors effect the scale, you will drive yourself crazy stepping on it every morning awaiting results. The most effective way to lose fat and build muscle is to eat the right foods, strength training, drinking enough water, and getting plenty of sleep.

 Cardiovascular exercise is an important factor to your health, but not necessarily the most effective for fat loss. Combined with the previously mentioned activities it can definitely help you reach your goal, but just doing cardio isn't going to help you build the muscle you need to burn fat. People who only do cardio usually burn as much muscle as fat, so they might lose weight, but their body composition will stay the same. My advice to anyone who's goal is to lose fat, is go to the gym and start training! The more muscle you build, the more energy you will burn at rest. Learn how the body works and then make it work for you! Their really is no better feeling in the world than being fit and healthy!!

NSB surf report

Monday, August 17, 2015

                                                Broiled Chicken with a Lime and Cilantro Salad
Ingredients: Chicken breast, cucumber, cilantro, lime, bell peppers, onions, jalapenos, salt, pepper
1) First chop up all the ingredients for the salad. Dice everything up to roughly dime size pieces, then place them into a bowl. Chop up the  cucumbers, onions, peppers, and cilantro then squeeze four to five limes into the salad. Sit the bowl into the refrigerator and let the flavors infuse together.
2) Preheat the oven to 375. Place a piece of tin foil over a baking sheet. Season your chicken, I used salt, pepper, and creole seasoning. Bake the chicken for 15-20 minutes, then turn on the broiler for about 3-5minutes  to char up the seasoning. It gives the chicken a good crust that goes awesome with the salad! The last thing you have to do is plate the salad and slice up your chicken. This is a flavorful, healthy, and delicious dish!!


Friday, August 14, 2015

The importance of spending time in nature. In todays busy world sometimes we forget to take some time to appreciate all the beauty that surrounds us. Working all week indoors can take its toll on the body. Stress can be very harmful to the mind and body as well. It is very important to disconnect from all your daily chores and duties and spend some time alone with good old mother nature. Research has shown that walking barefoot for as little as 10 minutes can seriously reduce stress levels. If you spend long hours indoors whether at school, work, home or the gym, you are often breathing in stale air, recycled thru dirty filters. Go outside, breath in the fresh air, and allow your body to recharge. Their is numerous benefits of exercising outdoors, including decreased anxiety, reduced stress, and increased energy levels.

 We have become a society who is so connected to computers and television that most people spend their downtime glued to the tube. If you are always starring at a screen your not giving you mind a chance to rest. Go sit in the sun, watch the trees sway in the wind, and  just breath. Leave all your problems and worries inside and unplug for a little bit.You will be amazed how much more relaxed and focused you feel. So turn off Netflix, leave your cell phone at home, and go spend some time outside. Your body will thank you. Being healthy isn't about looking a certain way, its about feeling good and treating your body how it deserves to be treated. Have a healthy and happy Friday!     

NSB surf report

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This is one of my clients who's had great success since she's chosen a healthier lifestyle. Gail Thomas is 51 years young and works full time! She trains 2-3 times a week with me, and also comes in on her own time. While eating healthy and natural foods, she has also been very consistent in her workouts. Gail has dropped 13 pounds, but more importantly has lost over 10% body fat since she started training without supplements, fat burners, or miracle shakes! She has gained strength and lean muscle over this time and is proof of the benefits of living an active and healthy lifestyle! This is just one of the many reasons why I love my job! Gail you are an inspiration to us all! Great job my friend!!

NSB surf report

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lower back pain is the primary cause of musculoskeletal degeneration seen in the adult population, affecting nearly 80% of adults. Research has shown low back pain is predominant among workers in enclosed work spaces ( such as offices) as well as people who engage in manual labor. This is also common for workers who sit more than three hours at a time. Another very common theme is the U.S is knee injuries. An estimated 80,000 to 100,000 ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) occur annually in the U.S population. Approximately 70% of these injuries are non contact injuries. This comes as no surprise considering the lack of activity and increased obesity occurring in our country. Their are many causes of knee or back pain, but the majority of these non contact related injuries occurs from poor mobility in your hip complex. Poor posture and repetitive movements creates dysfunction within the connective tissue in the body. For example, if you spend the majority of the day sitting, your hip flexors will tighten up. Overtime this can pull your pelvis forward forming an arch in your lower back. This causes postural distress and overtime will lead to pain and injury. Most people will try to stretch out their lower back, when the should be stretching out their hip flexors. You can stretch your back all you want, but you wont be addressing the problem until you start lengthening your flexors. This will be the only way to get your pelvis back in its correct position and alleviate your pain.

  The same is true for the knee. Both hip and ankle flexibility play a major role in the knee and how it operates. People who spend long hours sitting or standing tend to have imbalances in both these areas. Pattern overload will cause inflammation and irritation to the ligaments of the knee. Once the pain has started, people either try to work thru it, which can cause more damage, or they try to avoid using it as much as possible, which further weakens the knee. The key to correcting this issues is fixing the imbalances that cause them. The human body needs to be stretched and strengthened. Range of motion is important to keeping the kinetic chain balanced. So if you have knee or low back issues, you should consider seeing a fitness professional that can asses your posture and movements and help prevent further injury and give you a program to address and correct this imbalances.

NSB surf report

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Learning to eat the right foods, at the right time is crucial to your success in changing your bodies composition. As a trainer one of the most common herd questions is "how do a lose weight the fastest." I hate this question! My goal as a trainer is for my clients to lose weight in a healthy manner, and keep the weight off. Their is no shortcut, magic pill, or shake that will take the weight off. Fat loss is a gradual process. The reason I don't believe in meal replacements and restrictive diet plans is that they are not sustainable. Sure if you go on a really low calorie / carb diet, the scale will drop faster, but so will your energy levels. Once you stop the diet, all the weight you have lost comes right back, and you are where you started. These restrictive diets will also reek havoc on your metabolism.

  A healthy way to lose body fat, and keep it off, is fueling your body with real natural food. You want to eat four to six smaller meals throughout the day. The reason for this is to increase your metabolism and provide your body with the energy it needs to get thru the day. I m definitely not talking about McDonald four times a day. Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, wild caught fish, organic beef and poultry. The reason obesity has become such an epidemic in America is because most of our food supply is loaded with chemicals and preservatives. If you cut out added sugar, GMOs, and highly processed food, you will be amazed with how your energy levels change. Eating smaller more frequent meals also helps prevent you from overeating. A very common occurrence is people who don't eat enough during the day, then completely stuff themselves when they do have a meal. This is very tough on the digestive system. Your body can only absorb so many nutrients at one time. Anything that's not used will be stored for energy as fat. Understanding how the body works is important step to reaching your goal. So avoid all the miracle supplements and gimmicks out there. Just focus on eating real food!


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Their are many different phases of training. In todays society we have more structural imbalances due to sedentary lifestyles than ever before. Strength, power, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, an balance are all key components to fitness. It is important to address muscular imbalances and postural distress before moving on  to the next phase of training. One of the biggest mistakes of people who start an exercise program is not understanding how the body works and use improper form when lifting. This will often lead to mediocre results or injury. A fitness professional should set up a program for you that corrects these issues. The human body is capable of so much, but you will never reach its full potential until you correct these imbalances.

 Being healthy is more than just lifting weights and eating the right foods. Its about getting in touch with your body and treating it well. The body needs time to rest and recover. This is a very important
step to recharging your energy levels physically and mentally. Stress is another major factor to your health. Though we cant control are stress levels, if you exercise regularly, eat well, and get plenty of sleep, you will reduce them. People often view getting in better shape as a physical task. In reality, it is more mental than physical. Sure, the hour you spend at the gym is more physical, but what you do with the other 23 hours of your day, is where the real results come from! Self discipline to make the right lifestyle choices to reach your goals. Becoming fit and healthy is a life long journey. Everyone looks forward to the view from the top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs during the climb! Have a healthy and relaxing Sunday!!

NSB surf report

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

All calories are not created equal. This is one of the biggest problem with the food supply in America! Over the last decade  most Americans waistlines have  expanded. Food companies have been cashing in on products that offer less calories, less fat, and less carbs. The problem with this is if you remove calories, fats, and carbs from an item, it leaves the product tasting bland. So these companies place artificial ingredients into their product to add taste. Most of these products are genetically modified organisms produced by our countries biggest enemy, in my opinion, Monsanto. This is the company responsible for agent orange, numerous pesticides, and now engineering ingredients for our food supply. Since the introduction of these GMOS our nation has become increasingly sick. Chronic disease is on the rise from obesity to different types of cancer. If your body doesn't recognize the ingredient its trying to digest it will be stored as fat. So even if your eating the right amount of calories, you will still gain weight.

This is why I push the importance of eating whole natural foods so much! The human body is adapted to break down nutrients in real food and convert them to energy. If we replace these essential nutrients with chemicals we are not getting what our bodies need to perform adequately. This will often lead to inflammation, increased cravings, and forms a breeding ground for sickness. The only way to counter act this growing epidemic is to quit putting these harmful chemicals in  our body. The key  to stopping this trend is eating real food. Go to farmers markets and buy local produce. Buy farm fresh eggs, organic meats, and poultry. Get fresh caught fish from local markets. Avoid anything that has an ingredient you eyes don't recognize. The most important factor in your health is what you put in your body, so choose wisely!

NSB surf report 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The four major factors to your health and well being. Exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress. Everybody has unwanted stress in their life. You cannot totally control your stress levels. If you eat well, live an active lifestyle, and get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night, you will significantly reduce stress levels. Stress levels cause your body to produce cortisol which is a hormone in our body that promotes fat storage. Exercise is a great stress reliever. People who work out daily are believed to handle stress more efficiently than those who don't. If your goal is changing your bodies composition these are important factors. Even if you start exercising daily you wont reap the full benefits of your workouts unless you eat right and give you body adequate rest to recover.

 The food you put in your body also plays a huge role in your health and appearance. Avoiding highly processed foods and GMOS is a very important. Your body craves real nutrient dense foods. Food is fuel for your body so if your not putting the right things in your system you will not get the results your looking for. Foods high in sugar and preservatives have negative effects on your body. Sugar is one of the most toxic substances you can put in your body. Try to stick to natural foods fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, meat, and poultry. Eating lots of raw vegetables well help alkalize your blood and give your body lots of nutrients it needs without a ton of calories.

NSB surf report

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The power of meditation. Which now for several years has made headlines in the fitness industry for its range of benefits that include reducing symptoms of depression, lowering blood pressure, and speeding up your bodes ability to heal. Meditation techniques are  good for releasing tension and preparing your mind and body for any task at hand. Numerous studies have shown people who meditate regularly have improved athletic performance, relief from anxiety, better sleeping patters, and also better memories. Also people who practice meditation are able to multi- task better and think clearer than those who do not practice. One type of meditation is called "mindfulness" This practice focuses on putting all your energy into the present moment. Not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future but living completely in the moment. This form of meditation is often used by marines overseas in war riddled areas to keep their focus on the task at hand instead of all the horrors of war. Its also used by athletes who train extremely hard. By training your mind to always be focused on what your doing you will have laser sharp concentration to complete hours of grueling training.

  10 minutes of meditation on a daily basis can greatly improve the way your mind functions. Being healthy isn't just about your body looking a certain way. Its about getting your mind, body, and soul to work together in harmony. Eating well, living an active lifestyle, and strengthening your mind. Life can be very difficult. People who take care of their mind and body tend to be able to deal with all the trials and tribulations of life a lot better than those who do not. So if you are feeling stressed or depressed, try meditation. Take back control of your thoughts and actions.

NSB surf report

Friday, July 17, 2015

Banana and almond butter slices with chia seeds, hemp seeds, coconut, almonds, and dark chocolate

First slice up a banana and place some almond butter in-between the slices to form a little sandwich. Then take a table spoon of hemp and chia seeds and sprinkle them over each small sandwich. On half of the slices put a table spoon of coconut flakes and some crushed almonds on top. On the other half of the slices you will melt organic dark chocolate on the stove just until it starts to melt, drizzle just enough to cover the top of the banana slice. stick them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and you will have a healthy, nutritious, and sweet treat.

 They taste like little ice cream sandwiches. They are a perfect way to satisfy that sweet tooth without all the preservatives and added sugar that's in most sweets. Eating healthy doesn't have to be restrictive and boring. Be creative. These are a good pre or post workout snack.


NSB surf report

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Setting realistic long term and short term goals is a great tool for staying on the right path. Changing your eating habits and lifestyle can be very difficult. By setting a long term goal it gives you something specific to work for. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds. You cant  expect it to happen in three weeks. Permanent weight loss is the result of consistency and learning to eat the right foods and living an active lifestyle. Short term goals are a great way to challenge yourself week in and week out until you reach your long term goal. A good short term goal is committing  to going to the gym 5 times this week. Another good short term goal is preparing all your meals at home for a week. Not going out to eat. These are effective ways to keep you motivated along the way.

 Stop doubting yourself. A lot of people who struggle with their body image or weight don't believe they can change their habits. Getting in shape or losing weight is more mental than physical. I know it sounds cliché but its true. the body only does what the mind tells it to. You have to believe that you can. It takes a lot of self control and determination to stop eating unhealthy foods. It doesn't all happen at once, give it time. If you always doubt yourself or find reasons why you cant do it. Then you wont be able to. You have to be mentally tough and believe that your in complete control of your life because you are! Once you understand that nothing can stop you!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Fresh baked grouper with mango salsa.

Ingredients: 1 pound of wild caught grouper, salt, pepper, 1 mango, cucumber, red, green, and yellow bell peppers, onion, jalapenos, chopped cilantro, and 4 or 5 limes.

First gather all vegetables for mango salsa. Next  dice mangos, onions, cucumbers, and peppers into dime size pieces. Then chop a whole bushel of cilantro. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. Last squeeze the juice out of 4 or 5 limes into mixing bowl. continue to mix ingredient then place bowl into refrigerator to let the flavors infuse together.

Next  preheat the oven to 375 degrees and season your fillet of grouper with salt and pepper. Place seasoned fillet  on a cookie sheet covered in tin foil and place into the oven. Cook for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the fish. I like to broil the fish the last couple minutes to char the seasoning. The only thing left to do is serve and eat. This is a very healthy flavorful dish perfect for summertime. The mango salsa is refreshing and goes well with any fish or chicken. this is a perfect meal if your trying to lean out or keep that six pack year round.

NSB surf report

Friday, July 10, 2015

Healthy organic protein balls

Ingredients:organic oats, honey, cinnamon, raw cacao, almond butter, vanilla extract, chia seeds, hemp seeds, protein powder.

First gather all ingredients and take out a mixing bowl. start by putting all dry ingredients in the mixing bowl. 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of organic protein powder, 3 table spoons of chia seeds and hemp seeds. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.1/4 cup of raw cacao. Mix all ingredients in bowl until they are well blended. Next add 3/4 cup of almond butter. 1/4 cup of organic honey. 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Mix all ingredients together using a wisk or your hands. Next roll mixed ingredients into quarter sized balls. Once this is done stick them into the freezer for 15/20 minutes and you will have healthy organic protein balls. you don't even have to bake them.

 These are perfect for pre workout or post workout snack. They are healthy nutrient packed balls and they are delicious. The serving size is 3 balls. Which is 230 calories. 12 grams of fat. 23 grams of carbohydrates. and 17 grams of protein. Real food with real ingredients!

NSB surf report

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Kettle bells have increased in popularity over the last couple years. The reason is it gets back to basic  training and functional whole body excercise. Kettle swings are great for fat loss and muscular endurance. Kettle bells provide a  tough combination of cardio and strength training. They can help athletes or people just beginning to workout. They are great  for improving  hip mobility and coordination. Swings focus more on whole body movement and require a lot of energy therefore are ideal for fat loss. The off centerd weight of the bell really works your bodies stabilizing muscles like no other movement in excercise. It is a fast, difficult, but highly effective excercise. I will be posting some different kettle bell workouts over the next week.

 Try something new. Your body will adapt to doing the same workouts every time you go to the gym. Switch it up keep your body guessing and working hard. This is important for muscle growth and also so you don't get bored with your workout plan and quit all together. Have fun with excercise. Some days your going to have to go to the gym and grind it out. Try different classes. Spin, Pilates, yoga, or bootcamps. Take up boxing or mma. Thier are so many healthy activities to keep your body moving you should try them all so you know which ones are better suited for you and your goals. Remember the more you do, the more you can do. Have a healthy and happy day!

NSB surf report

Monday, July 6, 2015

Excercising on a regular bases has many benifits. It can help prevent gaining weight or help maintain weight loss. It can also prevent or manage a wide range of health problems including type 2 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, depression, arthritis, and certain types of cancer. It is an unbelievable stress reliever. physical activity stimulates several brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. It can also make you feel better about your appearance and build confidence. Excercise improves your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Regular excercise will help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. This will provide your body with more energy. Since your body is working harder throughout the day it can also help you sleep better at night. In my opinion it keeps you feeling young. The more I push my body and feed it the right things, the better I feel. The better I feel, the more I want to continue on this path and convince others to do the same.

 The human body is capable of so much if it is treated right. It can overcome illness and injury. You can train it to reach levels of strength and conditioning that seem impossible to most people. It also strengthens your mind. The body does what the mind tells it to. So to have a strong body you must first have a strong mind. It teaches you disipline, perseverance, and dedication. If your angry, sad, lonely, or depressed, working out is the remedy.  It will help clear your mind. The best investment you can ever make, is into your health! It's time to get up and get moving.

NSB surf report

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Holidays are a time to be a little more flexible in your diet. I always tell clients to eat as clean as they can so when it's a birthday or Holliday you can indulge a little without feeling to guilty. That doesn't mean pound 20 beers and eat crap all day long.  You don't want to erase all the effort and hardwork you've put in. If you do choose to drink avoid the sugary mixers and ciders. Here is a few tips to cut down on calories but still enjoy your Holliday!

Start the morning with a normal healthy breakfast. This will give your body some nutrients and energy for the day. Go workout before attending your parties or planned events. If you choose to drink liquor try to have it just with ice, as oppose to a sugary mixer. You will consume less calories but still achieve the effect you are looking for. Try to avoid snacking on all the chips and dip throughout the day. Save those calories for the big meal. Since today is the Fourth of July thier will be lots off barbecueing going on. Try to limit sauces and condiments. If your having burgers, try them without bread, mayonnaise, ketchup, or mustard. If you have to use something try to be light handed. Drink lots of water throughout the day. As far as those delicious but on healthy sides, just try to use portion controll. I hope these tips help a little bit. Everybody enjoy thier families and freedom today!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

NSB surf report

Friday, July 3, 2015

Carbohydrates often get a bad rap in the weight loss community. With tons of low carb diets out thier and mis information. The truth is carbs are our bodies main source of energy and also aids in recovery and performance. Carbohydrates can be broken down into two groups, complex and simple. Simple sugars like honey and fruits are easily digestible. Complex carbohydrates help controll your insulin and blood sugar levels, also provide your body with energy. My top for favorite carbohydrates are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and quinoa. These are nutrient dense foods that are high in fiber which helps the digestive system. Higher intakes of dietary fiber are associated with lower incidence of heart disease and certain cancers. However thier are carbs you need to avoid. Anything with added sugar ( table sugar.) your body will not be able to break down added sugar is not the same as natural sugars, this will cause an instant spike in your insulin levels and put your body into a fat storing mode. 

Carbs you need to avoid cerals, breads, doughnuts, muffins, sodas, or anything made with added sugar. These foods will cause you to gain weight. Complex carbs will provide satiety and keep your blood sugar levels from spiking to high. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of carbohydrates. The reason I don't believe. In low carb diets because your body needs carbohydrates to function properly. If you deprive yourself of carbs you will drop weight quickly. However this is not a healthy way to achieve weight loss and the results will not be permanent. Your energy levels will drop and so will your performance. Once you go off the diet the weight comes back quickly. The key to permanent weight/fat loss is learning to eat healthy natural foods. So remember their Are good carbs and bad carbs, so choose wisley!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lower back pain is a primary cause of musculoskeletal degeneration seen in th adult population. This is most prevalent among workers who are confined to small enclosed work spaces, as well as people in years of manual labor. Low back pain also occurs more often in people who sit more than three hours at a time. Most of the time problems in the lower back start at the hips. Tightness in the IT band or hip flexors overtime  can cause the pelvis to shift. This will cause some muscles to overcompensate and can led to postural imbalances and injury. This is why it's so important to stretch and strengthen your hip complex.

 Most non contact related injuries come from pattern overlaod, or repetitive motions that overwork some muscles and neglect others. To get the most out of your body it's important to address these issues before they turn into injuries. If you sit at a desk all day, chances are you have tight hip flexors. If you do not lengthen these muscles overtime they will pull your pelvis forward causing your lower back to arch. Myofascial release is a great technique to break up knotted muscle fibers and lengthen the muscles. Walking lunges, lateral lunges, and reverse lunges are great excercises to stretch and strengthen your flexors. Tube walking is another great excercise to open up your IT band and piriformis. The more mobility you have in your hips the less likely your chances are to dealing with chronic back pain. I will be posting some videos to demonstrate good corrective excercises for hip mobility.

NSB surf report

Monday, June 29, 2015

Sleep is one of the most important factors in your health.Whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose fat, or just have more energy. sleep is going to play a major roll in your success. Getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep will reduce stress and restore your energy levels. It's important to give muscles time to rest after a hard workout out because during the workout you are breaking down muscle fibers. The only way to get them to grow is to feed them and rest them. To get the most out of your body you have to take care of it. Excercise daily, eat well, and get plenty of sleep.

 The worst thing you can do before bed is eat sugar. If you are trying to lose body fat you will have to avoid those sweet cravings. Cerals, cookies, or any sugary food will spike your insulin putting your body in a fat storing mood. Sugar also makes you retain water and feel bloated. Your your heart rate slows down when you sleep, therefore your body doesn't use as much energy and will store extra energy as fat. It's important to understand how the body operates if your going to reach your goal. Try to stick to meals higher in protein at night and give your body an hour or two to digest before you go to bed. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Their are numerous benefits to hiring a personal trainer. Motivation, instruction, someone who can give you the tools you need to reach your goals. Trainers will set up individualized programs specifically set up for their client. People who just want to learn proper technique and form. Athletes who want to take their performance to the next level. People who are coming off an injury or have postural or muscular imbalances. Or anyone who just wants to live a healthier life. The best athletes in the world all work with trainers to keep them at their highest level of performance. Someone to hold you accountable for your workouts and diet. The best feeling as a personal trainer is watching someone achieve their goals. Watching people change thier eating habits and lifestyle is very gratifying.

 Muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat. So the more muscle you build the more calories your body will burn to maintain the muscle. This is why lifting weights is so important to fat loss. You can do cardio an hour or two everyday and burn calories, but if your not doing any weight training you will burn as much muscle  as fat. This might get the scale to drop but will do little to change body composition. A good combination of strength, resistance, cardiovascular, and HIIT (high intensity interval training) is the best for fat loss. The goal is to keep all the muscle we can and burn all they fat. Have a healthy and happy Sunday and don't forget to go to the gym:)

NSB surf report

Friday, June 26, 2015

Chronic disease such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, and heart disese are dramatically rising in the United states. Most of these diseases are preventable through healthylifesyle choices. Chronic disese has become the leading cause of death in the United States. It is associated with worsening health and quality of life, it can lead to permanent disability or reduced life span. Indirectly An estimated 1.7 trillion dollars is spent on treating chronic disese annually. Most of this diseses are directly related to being overweight. Currently 66% of Americans over 20 are considerd obese. We are slowly becoming one of the sickest nations in the world.

 The key to stoping this trend is eating real natural food and taking care of your body. In general Americans are eating high amounts of processed food, loaded with preservatives and sugars. the human diet needs to consist of natural nutrient dense foods to function properly. The side effects of this highly processed foods are craving more and feelin lathargic and low on energy. These people don't have the energy to workout or it effects their performance, thus the vicious cycle is repeated. You eat more and move less and the problems start piling up. Stay away from fast food, soda, foods with added sodium or sugars. Eat more vegtables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Wild caught fish,  organic chicken, eggs, and grass fed beef. Give your body the nutrients it needs to run at full capacity. Then strengthen your body. Go to a gym, surf, Yoga, boxing, swimming, just start moving more! The best form of healthcare is eating well and excercise.

NSB surf report

Thursday, June 25, 2015

 When starting an excercise program don't expect quick results. It's human nature to want instant gratification but the process of changing your eating habits and lifestyle takes time. The goal is longevity, and learning how to live a healthy active life. I can't even count the number of times I have seen people come into the gym, work extremely hard for a couple months then just completely stop going. Or go on a really restrictive diet to lose weight only to gain it back as soon as they stop the diet. Their is no shortcut or magic pill to become healthier. You have to eat well, excercise your body, and get plenty of rest. Those are the ingredients to a healthy lifestyle. It takes your body time to adapt to eating more nutrient dense foods and regular excercise. Give it time too. If you have had unhealthy habits for years you can't it expect a couple weeks of eating right and excercise to change everything. However if you stay consistent and continue to eat well and be active you will see your body as well as your mind change.

 I always tell clients not to workout for a certain look. Workout to become healthy, eat right to feel good and have more energy. Looking better and performing better is a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle
So remember taking little steps daily towards your goal is the best strategy to cover the most ground. Slow and steady always wins the race! Have a healthy and happy Thursday and don't forget to workout💪

NSB surf report

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The importance of flexibility. Flexibility can be described as the ability to move a joint through its complete range of motion. ROM ( range of motion) of a joint is dictated by the extensibility of the soft tissues surrounding it. An important factor to remember is that soft tissue will only achieve efficient extensibility if optimal control is used throughout the movement through the entire (ROM)

Muscular imbalances occur when some of the muscles surrounding the joints are overactive and other muscles become under active. Some causes of muscular imbalances are

. Postural stress
. Emotional duress
. Repetitive movements
. Cumulative trauma
. Poor training technique

 It should be a cornerstone of any training program to adrees these imbalances and correct them. To have your body running at its optimal level. Myofascial release or " foam rolling" has become a popular technique over the last couple years. This is basically applying gentle force to an adhesion or knot trying to lengthen the muscle fibers to the original length. Other popular forms of stretching are Static stretching which is the process of taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding it for a minimum of 30 seconds. Active isolated stretching is the process of agonist and synergistic motions to dynamically move the joint into the (ROM) Dynamic stretches are usually done with athletes when the active extension of a muscle using force production and momentum to move the joint thru it's whole (ROM) Flexibility training is important for several reasons

. Correcting muscular imbalances
. Increasing joint range of motion
. Relieving joint stress
. Maintaining normal functions and length of all muscles
. Improving neuromuscular efficientcy
. Improving function

Don't forget to stretch!!)

NSB surf report

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ingredients: Fresh wild caught Sockeye Salmon, Broccoli, onion, avacado, coconut oil, salt, pepper

 Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place your salmon onto a cookie sheet thats coverd with tin foil. I used salt and pepper to season the fish. Place it in the oven and let it bake for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the fish.

 Next put some coconut oil in a deep dish satuee pan over medium heat. Cut and wash the broccoli then place it into the pan and cover it with a lid. This will also provide steam to help cook it more throughly. Slice up an onion and add it to the pan once the broccoli has been on for 5 minutes. Then lower the heat and Let the vegtables steam together for a couple minutes. Next slice a avacado and wait for everything to finish.

This is a super healthy, quick and easy to make dish! I highly recommend getting wild caught fish over farm raised. Eat real food that nourishes the body. Nothing is more important to our health than what we put in our body.

NSB surf

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Basic nutritional guidelines for fat loss

. Make small decreases in food and beverage calories and increase physical activitity
. Distribute protein, carbohydrates, and fat throughout the day and at each meal
. Consume less than 10% of calories from saturated fats
. Choose whole grains and fiber-rich foods over refined grains and simple sugars
. Limit alcohol consumption
. Scheldule no fewer than four and as many as 6 meals a day. This helps to controll hunger, minimize blood sugar fluctuations, and increase energy levels throughout the day.
. Avoid empty calories and highly processed foods, which contain many calories but do little to provide satiety
. Drink plenty of water
. Try measuring your food for one week to gain a better idea of caloric values and serving sizes

 If your main goal is fat loss than the most important factor will always be nutrition. HIIT ( high intensity interval training) along with strength and resistance training will benefit you tremendously.
Here is a HIIT workout that you can do any where.
.10 burpees
. 30 seconds of mountain climbers
. Sprint 25 yards
. Bear crawl back to the beginning

 Repeat this five times as quick as you possible can. The whole workout will probably take 15-20 minutes but you will be drenched in sweat, gasping for air and that much closer to your goals. Have a healthy and happy Father's Day!

NSB surfreport

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Make sure your drinking enough water. Living in Florida during the summertime the tempature can get brutal. Consuming adequate amounts of water will benefit your body in several ways.
. Liver functions improve, increasing the percentage of fat used for energy
. Metabolic functions improve
. Nutrients are distributed throughout the body
. Body tempature regulations improve
. Fluid retention is alleviated

 Proper hydration cannot be stressed enough. The body cannot adapt to dehydration, which impairs every physiologic function. Some effects of dehydration
. Decreased blood pressure
. Increased core tempature
. Water retention
. Increased heart rate
. Sodium retention
. Decreased cardiac output
. Increased use of muscle glycogen

Water is vital to life itself. It's essential to human performance and health. This is very important if you are excercising, are putting your body through a stress. To help maintain energy levels and keep your body functioning properly.

NSB surf report

Friday, June 19, 2015

It's very important to have balance in life. Being heathy isn't just about excercising and eating right. It's about having a good balance between your relationships, family, work, and goals in life. Too much of anything isn't healthy. Being healthy and staying in good shape is a life long journey so you will need to have some balnce so you do not burn yourself out. If you a person who only lifts weights, try some calisthenics. If you do mosly cardio switch it up and try lifting weights. Surf, swim,  walk, meditate, do yoga! It's also ok to take a day off once in a while. Your body and mind will perform better with adequate rest. This holds true with dieting also. Don't put yourself on such a restrictive diet that it becomes a burden. It's ok to go to out to eat once in a while or to order a pizza. The key to permanent success is finding a balance that works for your goals.

 Workout tip of the day. Don't skip Legday. I'm not talking about doing 3 sets on the leg extension machine. I'm talking about squats, lunges, deadlifts, and more squats! Free weight squats are such a important excercise because not only are you working on your larger muscle groups ( quads, glutes, and hamstring) but also work your stabilizing muscles  hip flexors, psoas, and transverse abdominis. This is important for good posture as well as building a strong base for the rest of your body. No matter what your goals are this is an excercise you do not want to skip!

NSB surf report

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ingredients: chicken breast, asparagus, coconut oil, cucumber, avacado, salt, pepper, and rosemary

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Then start seasoning your chicken, I used salt, pepper, chipotle and Rosemary. The chicken will bake for about 20-25 minutes depending on the size of the breast. 

Next peel and slice a cucumber and split an avacado in half then remove the seed. Then get a frying pan, melt enough coconut oil to cover the bottom of It. While the oil is melting wash and prepare the asparagus. Cook on medium heat for 7 or 8 minutes. All you have to do now is slice and serve. This is a easy to make and delicious dish. Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring or repitive. Experiment with differnt herbs and flavors. Make it fun! Ther is nothing more important to our health than what we put in our body.

If you are trying to lose weight or change your bodies composition, it's a great idea to start keeping a food journal. A food journal will help hold you accountable for what you are putting in your body. It's  a great way to track progress. If you're struggling to kick bad eating habits having to write down everything is a good way to address what foods you need to avoid. It's also a great way to track your macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fats.) these are all important factors in reaching your goal.

 Start believing in yourself! If you don't think you will accomplish your goals you're right, you won't. The body does what the mind tells it to. In order to strengthen the body you must first strengthen the mind. When you get to the gym don't just go thru the motions. Go in there with determination and give 100% into every rep, and every set. Dont settle for average. Average effort gets average results. You are capable of anything you put your mind to! If it's important you will find a way, if it's not you will find an excuse.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

There are four major factors that effect your health and well being. Excercise, nutrition, rest, and stress. You can't controll your stress levels, but by living an active lifestyle, eating healthy, and getting plenty of sleep you will definitley reduce them. Excercise tears down muscle fibers in order for them to grow back stronger you must feed them and rest them. The goal is to keep as much muscle as possible and the least amount of fat. So even if your at the gym two hours a day you won't get the most out of your workouts unless your diet is clean and your giving your body adequate time to recover.

 Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring. Be creative in your approach and find healthy dishes that work for you and your goals. Eat real food! If you're not sure what's healthy or not try only eating foods with one ingredient. Fruit,vegtables, nuts, fish, chicken, and lean cuts of beef. Avoid frozen meals and microwaveable meals. Even if the label says healthy, no fat, or low calories. These are all marketing strategies to confuse the consumer into buying foods that are usually loaded with preservatives. The majority of our food supply in America is loaded with chemicals and genetically modified organisms ( Gmo's). If your eyes don't reconize the ingredient your body will not either and it will be stored as fat. Food companies are out for profit, they are not concerned with people's health!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Do not skip breakfast! This is your first meal of the day and it's an important one. People who skip breakfast tend to overeat later in the day. A healthy breakfast first thing in the morning will help provide your body with nutrients and energy. A common mis understanding about fat loss is that the less you eat the more you lose. The key to fat loss is learning to eat the right type of foods at the right time? You want to try to eat 4-6 meals throughout the day. This will help prevent cravings and also help speed up your metabolism. By digesting food every 3-4 hours will help control you blood sugar levels, and you will be less likely to overeat later in the day. Try to avoid cereals, muffins, sugary drinks, or fast food. Stick to eggs ( or some source of protein) fruit, nuts, and my personal favorite oatmeal:)

  The workout tip of the day is to focus on form. Don't let your ego or what others around you Are doing effect your progress. Your in a competition with no one! Your body will respond a lot better if it is performing an excercise correctly than adding extra weight but not completing a full range of motion. The goal of any fitness program should be to get your body to run at its highest efficiently. Once you have masterd proper form, then it's time to increase the weight. Don't be so focused on the destination that you forget to enjoy the journey. Nothing worth having comes easy, this is no different. Have a healthy and happy Monday💪