Monday, June 29, 2015

Sleep is one of the most important factors in your health.Whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose fat, or just have more energy. sleep is going to play a major roll in your success. Getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep will reduce stress and restore your energy levels. It's important to give muscles time to rest after a hard workout out because during the workout you are breaking down muscle fibers. The only way to get them to grow is to feed them and rest them. To get the most out of your body you have to take care of it. Excercise daily, eat well, and get plenty of sleep.

 The worst thing you can do before bed is eat sugar. If you are trying to lose body fat you will have to avoid those sweet cravings. Cerals, cookies, or any sugary food will spike your insulin putting your body in a fat storing mood. Sugar also makes you retain water and feel bloated. Your your heart rate slows down when you sleep, therefore your body doesn't use as much energy and will store extra energy as fat. It's important to understand how the body operates if your going to reach your goal. Try to stick to meals higher in protein at night and give your body an hour or two to digest before you go to bed. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Their are numerous benefits to hiring a personal trainer. Motivation, instruction, someone who can give you the tools you need to reach your goals. Trainers will set up individualized programs specifically set up for their client. People who just want to learn proper technique and form. Athletes who want to take their performance to the next level. People who are coming off an injury or have postural or muscular imbalances. Or anyone who just wants to live a healthier life. The best athletes in the world all work with trainers to keep them at their highest level of performance. Someone to hold you accountable for your workouts and diet. The best feeling as a personal trainer is watching someone achieve their goals. Watching people change thier eating habits and lifestyle is very gratifying.

 Muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat. So the more muscle you build the more calories your body will burn to maintain the muscle. This is why lifting weights is so important to fat loss. You can do cardio an hour or two everyday and burn calories, but if your not doing any weight training you will burn as much muscle  as fat. This might get the scale to drop but will do little to change body composition. A good combination of strength, resistance, cardiovascular, and HIIT (high intensity interval training) is the best for fat loss. The goal is to keep all the muscle we can and burn all they fat. Have a healthy and happy Sunday and don't forget to go to the gym:)

NSB surf report

Friday, June 26, 2015

Chronic disease such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, and heart disese are dramatically rising in the United states. Most of these diseases are preventable through healthylifesyle choices. Chronic disese has become the leading cause of death in the United States. It is associated with worsening health and quality of life, it can lead to permanent disability or reduced life span. Indirectly An estimated 1.7 trillion dollars is spent on treating chronic disese annually. Most of this diseses are directly related to being overweight. Currently 66% of Americans over 20 are considerd obese. We are slowly becoming one of the sickest nations in the world.

 The key to stoping this trend is eating real natural food and taking care of your body. In general Americans are eating high amounts of processed food, loaded with preservatives and sugars. the human diet needs to consist of natural nutrient dense foods to function properly. The side effects of this highly processed foods are craving more and feelin lathargic and low on energy. These people don't have the energy to workout or it effects their performance, thus the vicious cycle is repeated. You eat more and move less and the problems start piling up. Stay away from fast food, soda, foods with added sodium or sugars. Eat more vegtables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Wild caught fish,  organic chicken, eggs, and grass fed beef. Give your body the nutrients it needs to run at full capacity. Then strengthen your body. Go to a gym, surf, Yoga, boxing, swimming, just start moving more! The best form of healthcare is eating well and excercise.

NSB surf report

Thursday, June 25, 2015

 When starting an excercise program don't expect quick results. It's human nature to want instant gratification but the process of changing your eating habits and lifestyle takes time. The goal is longevity, and learning how to live a healthy active life. I can't even count the number of times I have seen people come into the gym, work extremely hard for a couple months then just completely stop going. Or go on a really restrictive diet to lose weight only to gain it back as soon as they stop the diet. Their is no shortcut or magic pill to become healthier. You have to eat well, excercise your body, and get plenty of rest. Those are the ingredients to a healthy lifestyle. It takes your body time to adapt to eating more nutrient dense foods and regular excercise. Give it time too. If you have had unhealthy habits for years you can't it expect a couple weeks of eating right and excercise to change everything. However if you stay consistent and continue to eat well and be active you will see your body as well as your mind change.

 I always tell clients not to workout for a certain look. Workout to become healthy, eat right to feel good and have more energy. Looking better and performing better is a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle
So remember taking little steps daily towards your goal is the best strategy to cover the most ground. Slow and steady always wins the race! Have a healthy and happy Thursday and don't forget to workout💪

NSB surf report

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The importance of flexibility. Flexibility can be described as the ability to move a joint through its complete range of motion. ROM ( range of motion) of a joint is dictated by the extensibility of the soft tissues surrounding it. An important factor to remember is that soft tissue will only achieve efficient extensibility if optimal control is used throughout the movement through the entire (ROM)

Muscular imbalances occur when some of the muscles surrounding the joints are overactive and other muscles become under active. Some causes of muscular imbalances are

. Postural stress
. Emotional duress
. Repetitive movements
. Cumulative trauma
. Poor training technique

 It should be a cornerstone of any training program to adrees these imbalances and correct them. To have your body running at its optimal level. Myofascial release or " foam rolling" has become a popular technique over the last couple years. This is basically applying gentle force to an adhesion or knot trying to lengthen the muscle fibers to the original length. Other popular forms of stretching are Static stretching which is the process of taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding it for a minimum of 30 seconds. Active isolated stretching is the process of agonist and synergistic motions to dynamically move the joint into the (ROM) Dynamic stretches are usually done with athletes when the active extension of a muscle using force production and momentum to move the joint thru it's whole (ROM) Flexibility training is important for several reasons

. Correcting muscular imbalances
. Increasing joint range of motion
. Relieving joint stress
. Maintaining normal functions and length of all muscles
. Improving neuromuscular efficientcy
. Improving function

Don't forget to stretch!!)

NSB surf report

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ingredients: Fresh wild caught Sockeye Salmon, Broccoli, onion, avacado, coconut oil, salt, pepper

 Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place your salmon onto a cookie sheet thats coverd with tin foil. I used salt and pepper to season the fish. Place it in the oven and let it bake for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the fish.

 Next put some coconut oil in a deep dish satuee pan over medium heat. Cut and wash the broccoli then place it into the pan and cover it with a lid. This will also provide steam to help cook it more throughly. Slice up an onion and add it to the pan once the broccoli has been on for 5 minutes. Then lower the heat and Let the vegtables steam together for a couple minutes. Next slice a avacado and wait for everything to finish.

This is a super healthy, quick and easy to make dish! I highly recommend getting wild caught fish over farm raised. Eat real food that nourishes the body. Nothing is more important to our health than what we put in our body.

NSB surf

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Basic nutritional guidelines for fat loss

. Make small decreases in food and beverage calories and increase physical activitity
. Distribute protein, carbohydrates, and fat throughout the day and at each meal
. Consume less than 10% of calories from saturated fats
. Choose whole grains and fiber-rich foods over refined grains and simple sugars
. Limit alcohol consumption
. Scheldule no fewer than four and as many as 6 meals a day. This helps to controll hunger, minimize blood sugar fluctuations, and increase energy levels throughout the day.
. Avoid empty calories and highly processed foods, which contain many calories but do little to provide satiety
. Drink plenty of water
. Try measuring your food for one week to gain a better idea of caloric values and serving sizes

 If your main goal is fat loss than the most important factor will always be nutrition. HIIT ( high intensity interval training) along with strength and resistance training will benefit you tremendously.
Here is a HIIT workout that you can do any where.
.10 burpees
. 30 seconds of mountain climbers
. Sprint 25 yards
. Bear crawl back to the beginning

 Repeat this five times as quick as you possible can. The whole workout will probably take 15-20 minutes but you will be drenched in sweat, gasping for air and that much closer to your goals. Have a healthy and happy Father's Day!

NSB surfreport

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Make sure your drinking enough water. Living in Florida during the summertime the tempature can get brutal. Consuming adequate amounts of water will benefit your body in several ways.
. Liver functions improve, increasing the percentage of fat used for energy
. Metabolic functions improve
. Nutrients are distributed throughout the body
. Body tempature regulations improve
. Fluid retention is alleviated

 Proper hydration cannot be stressed enough. The body cannot adapt to dehydration, which impairs every physiologic function. Some effects of dehydration
. Decreased blood pressure
. Increased core tempature
. Water retention
. Increased heart rate
. Sodium retention
. Decreased cardiac output
. Increased use of muscle glycogen

Water is vital to life itself. It's essential to human performance and health. This is very important if you are excercising, are putting your body through a stress. To help maintain energy levels and keep your body functioning properly.

NSB surf report

Friday, June 19, 2015

It's very important to have balance in life. Being heathy isn't just about excercising and eating right. It's about having a good balance between your relationships, family, work, and goals in life. Too much of anything isn't healthy. Being healthy and staying in good shape is a life long journey so you will need to have some balnce so you do not burn yourself out. If you a person who only lifts weights, try some calisthenics. If you do mosly cardio switch it up and try lifting weights. Surf, swim,  walk, meditate, do yoga! It's also ok to take a day off once in a while. Your body and mind will perform better with adequate rest. This holds true with dieting also. Don't put yourself on such a restrictive diet that it becomes a burden. It's ok to go to out to eat once in a while or to order a pizza. The key to permanent success is finding a balance that works for your goals.

 Workout tip of the day. Don't skip Legday. I'm not talking about doing 3 sets on the leg extension machine. I'm talking about squats, lunges, deadlifts, and more squats! Free weight squats are such a important excercise because not only are you working on your larger muscle groups ( quads, glutes, and hamstring) but also work your stabilizing muscles  hip flexors, psoas, and transverse abdominis. This is important for good posture as well as building a strong base for the rest of your body. No matter what your goals are this is an excercise you do not want to skip!

NSB surf report

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ingredients: chicken breast, asparagus, coconut oil, cucumber, avacado, salt, pepper, and rosemary

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Then start seasoning your chicken, I used salt, pepper, chipotle and Rosemary. The chicken will bake for about 20-25 minutes depending on the size of the breast. 

Next peel and slice a cucumber and split an avacado in half then remove the seed. Then get a frying pan, melt enough coconut oil to cover the bottom of It. While the oil is melting wash and prepare the asparagus. Cook on medium heat for 7 or 8 minutes. All you have to do now is slice and serve. This is a easy to make and delicious dish. Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring or repitive. Experiment with differnt herbs and flavors. Make it fun! Ther is nothing more important to our health than what we put in our body.

If you are trying to lose weight or change your bodies composition, it's a great idea to start keeping a food journal. A food journal will help hold you accountable for what you are putting in your body. It's  a great way to track progress. If you're struggling to kick bad eating habits having to write down everything is a good way to address what foods you need to avoid. It's also a great way to track your macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fats.) these are all important factors in reaching your goal.

 Start believing in yourself! If you don't think you will accomplish your goals you're right, you won't. The body does what the mind tells it to. In order to strengthen the body you must first strengthen the mind. When you get to the gym don't just go thru the motions. Go in there with determination and give 100% into every rep, and every set. Dont settle for average. Average effort gets average results. You are capable of anything you put your mind to! If it's important you will find a way, if it's not you will find an excuse.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

There are four major factors that effect your health and well being. Excercise, nutrition, rest, and stress. You can't controll your stress levels, but by living an active lifestyle, eating healthy, and getting plenty of sleep you will definitley reduce them. Excercise tears down muscle fibers in order for them to grow back stronger you must feed them and rest them. The goal is to keep as much muscle as possible and the least amount of fat. So even if your at the gym two hours a day you won't get the most out of your workouts unless your diet is clean and your giving your body adequate time to recover.

 Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring. Be creative in your approach and find healthy dishes that work for you and your goals. Eat real food! If you're not sure what's healthy or not try only eating foods with one ingredient. Fruit,vegtables, nuts, fish, chicken, and lean cuts of beef. Avoid frozen meals and microwaveable meals. Even if the label says healthy, no fat, or low calories. These are all marketing strategies to confuse the consumer into buying foods that are usually loaded with preservatives. The majority of our food supply in America is loaded with chemicals and genetically modified organisms ( Gmo's). If your eyes don't reconize the ingredient your body will not either and it will be stored as fat. Food companies are out for profit, they are not concerned with people's health!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Do not skip breakfast! This is your first meal of the day and it's an important one. People who skip breakfast tend to overeat later in the day. A healthy breakfast first thing in the morning will help provide your body with nutrients and energy. A common mis understanding about fat loss is that the less you eat the more you lose. The key to fat loss is learning to eat the right type of foods at the right time? You want to try to eat 4-6 meals throughout the day. This will help prevent cravings and also help speed up your metabolism. By digesting food every 3-4 hours will help control you blood sugar levels, and you will be less likely to overeat later in the day. Try to avoid cereals, muffins, sugary drinks, or fast food. Stick to eggs ( or some source of protein) fruit, nuts, and my personal favorite oatmeal:)

  The workout tip of the day is to focus on form. Don't let your ego or what others around you Are doing effect your progress. Your in a competition with no one! Your body will respond a lot better if it is performing an excercise correctly than adding extra weight but not completing a full range of motion. The goal of any fitness program should be to get your body to run at its highest efficiently. Once you have masterd proper form, then it's time to increase the weight. Don't be so focused on the destination that you forget to enjoy the journey. Nothing worth having comes easy, this is no different. Have a healthy and happy Monday💪

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The human body is not designed to sit at an office desk 8-10 hours a day. People who work long hours in sedentary jobs usually start developing postural and muscular imbalances overtime. These imbalances will often lead to injuries. Your body wants to be challenged, strengthend, and stretch. The reason a lot of people don't achieve there goals when they start a fitness program is they are not taking the proper steps to achieve there goal. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, or just trying to become a healthier person. The most important factor isn't what you do in the hour at the gym, but what you do with the other 23 hours of your day. There is no way to out work a bad diet or unhealthy lifestyle. The key is to find balance between your fitness goals and the rest of your life.

 My biggest piece of advice for people starting their fitness journey is take it one day at a time. Results don't happen overnight they happen as a result of hardwork, dedication, and consistency. Don't waste your time looking for the quick fix, or miracle supplement because it doesn't exist. The key to permanent change is consistency. Being consistent in your diet, workouts, and recovery. The human body is capable of so much when treated properly. So get out of the house put down your iPhone and go jog, swim, surf, ride bikes, walk, do yoga.If you start treating your body well it will return the favor💪