Tuesday, March 15, 2016


  Proper postural alignment allows optimal neuromuscular efficiency, which helps produce effective and safe movements. This should be at the forefront of any training program. You will never reach your bodies full potential until you address this issues. Proper posture helps the body produce high levels of functional strength, without it the body may degenerate or experience poor posture, alters movement patterns, sprains, tendinitis, and low back pain.

 Static posture, or how a individual physically presents himself or herself in a stance. This is a road map of how the individual is using their body with time. We have discoverd that the body tends to compensate in particular patterns based on muscular relationships. Understanding these movements has made it possible to help correct these distortions through stretching  and strengthening muscles. If left untreated these distortions can lead to pattern overload and eventually injury. Movement observations should relate to basic functions such as squatting, pushing, pulling, and balancing. It's also important to understand how the body is suppose to move effectively.

 Never add strength to disfunction. It's important to understand what your body needs to operate efficiently. This is why it's so important to switch up your style of training. If you sit at a desk all day, then go to the gym and lift heavyweights, chances are you will have movement issues. All the muscle in the world will not help you move better. It's essential to implement functional movements and flexibility training in your regimin. Working out shouldn't be about achieving a certain look. It should be based on become a healthier, moving better, and gaining functional strength. As the saying goes "listen to your body when it whispers and you won't have to hear it scream"

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Get shredded for spring!! 10 calisthenic excercises that will get you beach ready!!

1) Inchworm 20 yards down and back repeat 2x

2) Bearcrawl 20 yards down and back repeat 2x

3) Walking forward lunge 20 yards down and back repeat 2x

4) Walking reverse lunges 20 yards down and back repeat 2x

5) Walking lateral lunges 20 yards down and back repeat 2x

6) Squats as many as you can in 1 minute repeat 3x

7) Burpees as many as you can in 1 minute repeat 3x

8) Dips as many as you can in 1 minute repeat 3x

9) Pull ups as many as you can in 1 minute repeat 3x

10) Ice skaters for 1 minute repeat 3x

Here are ten very effective functional excercises that are very efficient for fat loss. No equipment required. So get outside and get moving! Dreams don't work unless you do!!)

NSB sure report: www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com