Wednesday, September 30, 2015

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Weight less workout.

 This is a great out door workout designed for fat loss and increased lean muscle mass. You don't need any weights or equipment just 20 yards of space. The beach or a park is an ideal so you can get some fresh air and vitamin d while exercising. Estimate roughly 20 yards and you are ready to start.

1) warm up 5-10 minutes actively stretching out your whole body.

2)  Bear crawl down and back the 20 yards.

3) 10 burpees

4) 1minute of mountain climbers

5) Sprint as fast as you can for 20 yards

6) walking lunges back to the starting position

7) Repeat 5 times as fast as you can ( starting with the bear crawl )

8) cool down 5-10 minutes stretching

 This is a tough workout but very effective. Its important to switch up your training so you do not plateau. The body needs to be constantly challenged in order to continue to grow. Have a healthy and happy Wednesday!

NSB surf report

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Creating good habits will be essential to your success when starting a fitness program. Everybody has unhealthy habits, its important to understand what they are and work to correct them. Whether its eating sweets before bed, skipping breakfast, or munching on chips all day. Its important to find a healthy replacement for your bad habit. The key factors to living a healthy lifestyle or changing your bodies composition are exercise, nutrition, rest, and stress. You cannot control your stress levels, but if your exercising regularly, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep it will definitely reduce your stress levels. A good habit to form is planning your meals out. If you know what your having to eat throughout the day your less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. Never skip breakfast! this is a very important meal that will help provide you energy for the rest of the day. People who skip breakfast tend to overeat later in the day which can limit progress and lead to weight gain.

 Drink lots of water. Avoid sugary drinks and wasted calories with no nutritional benefit. Before you put anything into your body, ask yourself "is this going to help me reach my goal or hurt me." One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose fat is eating junk food before bed. Even if you eat well throughout the day and exercise, eating a sugary snack before bed will cause your body to store fat while you sleep. Bring healthy snacks to work with you or while your on the go. Instead of eating chips or a shake try a piece of fruit or some almonds. These foods are nutrient dense and help provide satiety to keep you from snacking until your next meal. Creating these good habits now, will be a catalyst to your success in the future. The goal is to be healthy, feel good, and look good. It all starts with your habits.

NSB surf report

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Deadlifts are one of the most effective movements to adding strength and lean muscle to your physique. Deadlifts are a compound exercise that engages all your major muscle groups. No other movement does more for your entire body than deadlifts. It directly targets your core muscles which play a important role in your posture, balance, and power. It is also great for improving the posterior chain which is muscles in the rear of the body such as hamstrings, glutes, lowerback, and calves. These muscles are very important for athletic performance and correct posture. This lift works more muscles simultaneously than any other movement and when performed correctly will help build thoracic muscles that support the spine. It is also very effective at increasing your grip strength.

  Deadlifts are also a very functional movement. If your performing physical labor or daily chores try to mimic the same form you use while deadlifting. You will find that lifting heavy objects off the floor will become easier and will help prevent lower back pain if lifted correctly. These lifts are very energy demanding and taxing on the respiratory system. Adding them to your workout routine will improve your cardio and conditioning. Their are many variations of this lift used to target different muscle groups. Traditional deadlifts, romainian deadlifts, sumo, and suitcase deadlifts. It is a very dynamic motion with a ton of benefits to your body, but it is imperative that the movement is done correctly. Make sure you know what your doing before trying this lift. Never sacrifice form for weight, its a lot more effective to your body to perform this movement properly with lighter weight than risking injury by trying to let your ego lift it.

NSB surf report

Saturday, September 12, 2015

In todays society nearly everyone is plagued by postural imbalances, largely as a result of sedentary lifestyles. Office jobs that require workers to sit for long periods of time have led to dramatic increases in work related injuries, including lower back pain, neck pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, and increased rates of obesity. Flexibility training has become recognized as an important help aid in preventing and treating various neuromuscular injuries. Clients without adequate levels of flexibility and range of motion may not be able to reach their fitness goals until these imbalances are corrected. Flexibility is defined as the ability to move a joint through its full ROM (range of motion) The Human Movement system, known as the kinetic chain is made up of the muscular, skeletal, and nervous system. If one or more segments of the HMS is misaligned and not functioning properly, it can lead to injury and postural imbalances.

   Working on improving your flexibility through proper stretching methods and yoga will reduce your risk of muscle imbalances, joint dysfunctions, and overuse injuries. Foam rollers, stretch bands, and active stretching are all useful methods of flexibility training.  All segments of the kinetic chain must be properly aligned for your body to run efficiently. If you train the same way all the time or have a repetitive job , you are susceptible to pattern overload and injuries. People who go to the gym regularly to strength train, must also work on flexibility to avoid overuse and injury. It doesn't matter how much weight you can lift, if your body is not aligned correctly you will never reach optimal levels of performance. I will be posting some videos on corrective exercise and flexibility training on you tube soon be sure to check them out!

NSB surf report

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Quinoa and Chicken Stir Fry

Ingredients: organic carrots, onions, black beans, beansprouts, broccoli, mushrooms, coconut oil, salt, pepper, chicken, cashews.

First gather all ingredients and slice up the vegetables into quarter size pieces. Melt some coconut oil over medium heat in a deep sided Sautee pan. Start boiling two cups of water to cook one cup of quinoa. Slice up the chicken, then melt some coconut oil in another frying  pan. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and start pan frying it. While the chicken is starting to cook place the broccoli and carrots in the bigger Sautee pan. Stir them thoroughly then add other vegetables.

 By this time your water should be boiling, so add the cup of quinoa to the water then reduce the heat to a simmer. Make sure to stir all the vegetables well and that the chicken doesn't overcook. It takes about 12-15 minutes to cook the quinoa, by the time its finished everything else should be done. Take the cooked chicken and add it to the veggie pan. Pan roast a cup or so of cashews then add the to the stir fry also. Now all the ingredients besides the quinoa is in the stir fry. We added some teriyaki sauce to add flavor, but this is optional. Turn the heat low and let all those wonderful flavors marinate together. Last put stir fry into a bowl, then add a serving of quinoa and mix everything together. You are now ready to eat! This is a nutrient rich dish, that is healthy and loaded with falvor!! Remember eating health doesn't have to be boring. 

 NSB surf report

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Core training has become a cornerstone of physical fitness. The objective of  core training is to strengthen the deep and superficial muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body.
Historically strengthening the core has been prescribed to many patients with lower back problems. Today core training has become popular amongst athletes to improve sports performance. A weak core is a fundamental inherent to inefficient movement that may lead to pattern overload and eventually injury. A properly designed core training program will help a client gain neuromuscular control, stability, endurance, strength, and power of the core. The local stabilizers are muscles that attach directly to the vertebrae. These muscles provide support to your spine and help stabilize it through movements. The core is the origin of all movement and the center of gravity for the body. An efficient core is important to maintain proper muscle balance throughout the whole human movement system.

 Numerous studies have shown that training the core properly can help prevent or rehibitate people who suffer from lower back pain. Core stabilizing exercises restore size of muscles and can help fix imbalances. The stronger and more efficiently you strengthen your core, the less likely you will be to suffer from lower extremity pain. Most people think of core training as just doing sit ups. In reality it is training all the muscles that make up the lumbar pelvic hip complex. It is so important to how the rest of your body moves. If you have a weak core or muscular imbalance that isn't addressed, it will eventually lead to injury. I will be posting some good core exercise later in the week! Have a health and happy Saturday!! 

NSB surf report

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Their are tons of benefits to eating raw vegetables! Vegetables play a important role in providing the body with what it needs to function properly. They provide our cells with vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential oils, and nutrients. While eating cooked veggies is good for you, their are certain advantages to eating raw vegetables. Cooking them destroys certain essential nutrients such as vitamin C and also kills productive enzymes that help you digest food. They are low in fats and calories, they are also a great source of dietary fiber. Their high fiber content leaves your body feeling full and can prevent cravings. Eating foods rich in fiber is associated with lowering the risk of chronic disease and heart problems. Soluble fibers found in raw vegetables can also lower and control the levels of "bad cholesterol" in the blood stream.

 The food supply in the U.S. has become so abundant with processed or genetically engineered foods, its important to make sure your feeding your body what it needs to operate properly. Real food, not overly processed chemically injected substance. Chronic disease along with a lot of other ailments have been linked to theses "foods." Eating raw cruciferous vegetables has been proven to lower the chances of getting certain types of cancer. Raw vegetables contain higher amounts of antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system. The best place to get fresh and seasonal veggies is at local produce stands or farmers markets. Buy local organically grown food! Its one of the best things you can do to keep your body healthy! You really are what you eat..