Tuesday, July 28, 2015

All calories are not created equal. This is one of the biggest problem with the food supply in America! Over the last decade  most Americans waistlines have  expanded. Food companies have been cashing in on products that offer less calories, less fat, and less carbs. The problem with this is if you remove calories, fats, and carbs from an item, it leaves the product tasting bland. So these companies place artificial ingredients into their product to add taste. Most of these products are genetically modified organisms produced by our countries biggest enemy, in my opinion, Monsanto. This is the company responsible for agent orange, numerous pesticides, and now engineering ingredients for our food supply. Since the introduction of these GMOS our nation has become increasingly sick. Chronic disease is on the rise from obesity to different types of cancer. If your body doesn't recognize the ingredient its trying to digest it will be stored as fat. So even if your eating the right amount of calories, you will still gain weight.

This is why I push the importance of eating whole natural foods so much! The human body is adapted to break down nutrients in real food and convert them to energy. If we replace these essential nutrients with chemicals we are not getting what our bodies need to perform adequately. This will often lead to inflammation, increased cravings, and forms a breeding ground for sickness. The only way to counter act this growing epidemic is to quit putting these harmful chemicals in  our body. The key  to stopping this trend is eating real food. Go to farmers markets and buy local produce. Buy farm fresh eggs, organic meats, and poultry. Get fresh caught fish from local markets. Avoid anything that has an ingredient you eyes don't recognize. The most important factor in your health is what you put in your body, so choose wisely!

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The four major factors to your health and well being. Exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress. Everybody has unwanted stress in their life. You cannot totally control your stress levels. If you eat well, live an active lifestyle, and get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night, you will significantly reduce stress levels. Stress levels cause your body to produce cortisol which is a hormone in our body that promotes fat storage. Exercise is a great stress reliever. People who work out daily are believed to handle stress more efficiently than those who don't. If your goal is changing your bodies composition these are important factors. Even if you start exercising daily you wont reap the full benefits of your workouts unless you eat right and give you body adequate rest to recover.

 The food you put in your body also plays a huge role in your health and appearance. Avoiding highly processed foods and GMOS is a very important. Your body craves real nutrient dense foods. Food is fuel for your body so if your not putting the right things in your system you will not get the results your looking for. Foods high in sugar and preservatives have negative effects on your body. Sugar is one of the most toxic substances you can put in your body. Try to stick to natural foods fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, meat, and poultry. Eating lots of raw vegetables well help alkalize your blood and give your body lots of nutrients it needs without a ton of calories.

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The power of meditation. Which now for several years has made headlines in the fitness industry for its range of benefits that include reducing symptoms of depression, lowering blood pressure, and speeding up your bodes ability to heal. Meditation techniques are  good for releasing tension and preparing your mind and body for any task at hand. Numerous studies have shown people who meditate regularly have improved athletic performance, relief from anxiety, better sleeping patters, and also better memories. Also people who practice meditation are able to multi- task better and think clearer than those who do not practice. One type of meditation is called "mindfulness" This practice focuses on putting all your energy into the present moment. Not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future but living completely in the moment. This form of meditation is often used by marines overseas in war riddled areas to keep their focus on the task at hand instead of all the horrors of war. Its also used by athletes who train extremely hard. By training your mind to always be focused on what your doing you will have laser sharp concentration to complete hours of grueling training.

  10 minutes of meditation on a daily basis can greatly improve the way your mind functions. Being healthy isn't just about your body looking a certain way. Its about getting your mind, body, and soul to work together in harmony. Eating well, living an active lifestyle, and strengthening your mind. Life can be very difficult. People who take care of their mind and body tend to be able to deal with all the trials and tribulations of life a lot better than those who do not. So if you are feeling stressed or depressed, try meditation. Take back control of your thoughts and actions.

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Friday, July 17, 2015

Banana and almond butter slices with chia seeds, hemp seeds, coconut, almonds, and dark chocolate

First slice up a banana and place some almond butter in-between the slices to form a little sandwich. Then take a table spoon of hemp and chia seeds and sprinkle them over each small sandwich. On half of the slices put a table spoon of coconut flakes and some crushed almonds on top. On the other half of the slices you will melt organic dark chocolate on the stove just until it starts to melt, drizzle just enough to cover the top of the banana slice. stick them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and you will have a healthy, nutritious, and sweet treat.

 They taste like little ice cream sandwiches. They are a perfect way to satisfy that sweet tooth without all the preservatives and added sugar that's in most sweets. Eating healthy doesn't have to be restrictive and boring. Be creative. These are a good pre or post workout snack.


NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Setting realistic long term and short term goals is a great tool for staying on the right path. Changing your eating habits and lifestyle can be very difficult. By setting a long term goal it gives you something specific to work for. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds. You cant  expect it to happen in three weeks. Permanent weight loss is the result of consistency and learning to eat the right foods and living an active lifestyle. Short term goals are a great way to challenge yourself week in and week out until you reach your long term goal. A good short term goal is committing  to going to the gym 5 times this week. Another good short term goal is preparing all your meals at home for a week. Not going out to eat. These are effective ways to keep you motivated along the way.

 Stop doubting yourself. A lot of people who struggle with their body image or weight don't believe they can change their habits. Getting in shape or losing weight is more mental than physical. I know it sounds cliché but its true. the body only does what the mind tells it to. You have to believe that you can. It takes a lot of self control and determination to stop eating unhealthy foods. It doesn't all happen at once, give it time. If you always doubt yourself or find reasons why you cant do it. Then you wont be able to. You have to be mentally tough and believe that your in complete control of your life because you are! Once you understand that nothing can stop you!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Fresh baked grouper with mango salsa.

Ingredients: 1 pound of wild caught grouper, salt, pepper, 1 mango, cucumber, red, green, and yellow bell peppers, onion, jalapenos, chopped cilantro, and 4 or 5 limes.

First gather all vegetables for mango salsa. Next  dice mangos, onions, cucumbers, and peppers into dime size pieces. Then chop a whole bushel of cilantro. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. Last squeeze the juice out of 4 or 5 limes into mixing bowl. continue to mix ingredient then place bowl into refrigerator to let the flavors infuse together.

Next  preheat the oven to 375 degrees and season your fillet of grouper with salt and pepper. Place seasoned fillet  on a cookie sheet covered in tin foil and place into the oven. Cook for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the fish. I like to broil the fish the last couple minutes to char the seasoning. The only thing left to do is serve and eat. This is a very healthy flavorful dish perfect for summertime. The mango salsa is refreshing and goes well with any fish or chicken. this is a perfect meal if your trying to lean out or keep that six pack year round.

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Friday, July 10, 2015

Healthy organic protein balls

Ingredients:organic oats, honey, cinnamon, raw cacao, almond butter, vanilla extract, chia seeds, hemp seeds, protein powder.

First gather all ingredients and take out a mixing bowl. start by putting all dry ingredients in the mixing bowl. 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of organic protein powder, 3 table spoons of chia seeds and hemp seeds. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.1/4 cup of raw cacao. Mix all ingredients in bowl until they are well blended. Next add 3/4 cup of almond butter. 1/4 cup of organic honey. 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Mix all ingredients together using a wisk or your hands. Next roll mixed ingredients into quarter sized balls. Once this is done stick them into the freezer for 15/20 minutes and you will have healthy organic protein balls. you don't even have to bake them.

 These are perfect for pre workout or post workout snack. They are healthy nutrient packed balls and they are delicious. The serving size is 3 balls. Which is 230 calories. 12 grams of fat. 23 grams of carbohydrates. and 17 grams of protein. Real food with real ingredients!

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Kettle bells have increased in popularity over the last couple years. The reason is it gets back to basic  training and functional whole body excercise. Kettle swings are great for fat loss and muscular endurance. Kettle bells provide a  tough combination of cardio and strength training. They can help athletes or people just beginning to workout. They are great  for improving  hip mobility and coordination. Swings focus more on whole body movement and require a lot of energy therefore are ideal for fat loss. The off centerd weight of the bell really works your bodies stabilizing muscles like no other movement in excercise. It is a fast, difficult, but highly effective excercise. I will be posting some different kettle bell workouts over the next week.

 Try something new. Your body will adapt to doing the same workouts every time you go to the gym. Switch it up keep your body guessing and working hard. This is important for muscle growth and also so you don't get bored with your workout plan and quit all together. Have fun with excercise. Some days your going to have to go to the gym and grind it out. Try different classes. Spin, Pilates, yoga, or bootcamps. Take up boxing or mma. Thier are so many healthy activities to keep your body moving you should try them all so you know which ones are better suited for you and your goals. Remember the more you do, the more you can do. Have a healthy and happy day!

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Monday, July 6, 2015

Excercising on a regular bases has many benifits. It can help prevent gaining weight or help maintain weight loss. It can also prevent or manage a wide range of health problems including type 2 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, depression, arthritis, and certain types of cancer. It is an unbelievable stress reliever. physical activity stimulates several brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. It can also make you feel better about your appearance and build confidence. Excercise improves your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Regular excercise will help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. This will provide your body with more energy. Since your body is working harder throughout the day it can also help you sleep better at night. In my opinion it keeps you feeling young. The more I push my body and feed it the right things, the better I feel. The better I feel, the more I want to continue on this path and convince others to do the same.

 The human body is capable of so much if it is treated right. It can overcome illness and injury. You can train it to reach levels of strength and conditioning that seem impossible to most people. It also strengthens your mind. The body does what the mind tells it to. So to have a strong body you must first have a strong mind. It teaches you disipline, perseverance, and dedication. If your angry, sad, lonely, or depressed, working out is the remedy.  It will help clear your mind. The best investment you can ever make, is into your health! It's time to get up and get moving.

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Holidays are a time to be a little more flexible in your diet. I always tell clients to eat as clean as they can so when it's a birthday or Holliday you can indulge a little without feeling to guilty. That doesn't mean pound 20 beers and eat crap all day long.  You don't want to erase all the effort and hardwork you've put in. If you do choose to drink avoid the sugary mixers and ciders. Here is a few tips to cut down on calories but still enjoy your Holliday!

Start the morning with a normal healthy breakfast. This will give your body some nutrients and energy for the day. Go workout before attending your parties or planned events. If you choose to drink liquor try to have it just with ice, as oppose to a sugary mixer. You will consume less calories but still achieve the effect you are looking for. Try to avoid snacking on all the chips and dip throughout the day. Save those calories for the big meal. Since today is the Fourth of July thier will be lots off barbecueing going on. Try to limit sauces and condiments. If your having burgers, try them without bread, mayonnaise, ketchup, or mustard. If you have to use something try to be light handed. Drink lots of water throughout the day. As far as those delicious but on healthy sides, just try to use portion controll. I hope these tips help a little bit. Everybody enjoy thier families and freedom today!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com

Friday, July 3, 2015

Carbohydrates often get a bad rap in the weight loss community. With tons of low carb diets out thier and mis information. The truth is carbs are our bodies main source of energy and also aids in recovery and performance. Carbohydrates can be broken down into two groups, complex and simple. Simple sugars like honey and fruits are easily digestible. Complex carbohydrates help controll your insulin and blood sugar levels, also provide your body with energy. My top for favorite carbohydrates are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and quinoa. These are nutrient dense foods that are high in fiber which helps the digestive system. Higher intakes of dietary fiber are associated with lower incidence of heart disease and certain cancers. However thier are carbs you need to avoid. Anything with added sugar ( table sugar.) your body will not be able to break down added sugar is not the same as natural sugars, this will cause an instant spike in your insulin levels and put your body into a fat storing mode. 

Carbs you need to avoid cerals, breads, doughnuts, muffins, sodas, or anything made with added sugar. These foods will cause you to gain weight. Complex carbs will provide satiety and keep your blood sugar levels from spiking to high. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of carbohydrates. The reason I don't believe. In low carb diets because your body needs carbohydrates to function properly. If you deprive yourself of carbs you will drop weight quickly. However this is not a healthy way to achieve weight loss and the results will not be permanent. Your energy levels will drop and so will your performance. Once you go off the diet the weight comes back quickly. The key to permanent weight/fat loss is learning to eat healthy natural foods. So remember their Are good carbs and bad carbs, so choose wisley!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lower back pain is a primary cause of musculoskeletal degeneration seen in th adult population. This is most prevalent among workers who are confined to small enclosed work spaces, as well as people in years of manual labor. Low back pain also occurs more often in people who sit more than three hours at a time. Most of the time problems in the lower back start at the hips. Tightness in the IT band or hip flexors overtime  can cause the pelvis to shift. This will cause some muscles to overcompensate and can led to postural imbalances and injury. This is why it's so important to stretch and strengthen your hip complex.

 Most non contact related injuries come from pattern overlaod, or repetitive motions that overwork some muscles and neglect others. To get the most out of your body it's important to address these issues before they turn into injuries. If you sit at a desk all day, chances are you have tight hip flexors. If you do not lengthen these muscles overtime they will pull your pelvis forward causing your lower back to arch. Myofascial release is a great technique to break up knotted muscle fibers and lengthen the muscles. Walking lunges, lateral lunges, and reverse lunges are great excercises to stretch and strengthen your flexors. Tube walking is another great excercise to open up your IT band and piriformis. The more mobility you have in your hips the less likely your chances are to dealing with chronic back pain. I will be posting some videos to demonstrate good corrective excercises for hip mobility.

NSB surf report www.surfnsbreport.blogspot.com