Sunday, November 22, 2015

The benefits of compound movements for gaining lean muscle and fat loss. A compound movement is an Excercise that works multiple areas at one time. These movements are ideal for fat loss because they require a lot more energy then isolating a certain muscle group. They are also ideal for avoiding pattern overload. People who train one muscle group at a time are more inclined to develop muscular imbalances, because they tend to overwork certain muscle groups and neglect others. Compound movements strengthen the whole body and improve the skeletal system. ( deadlifts, squats, and lunges) are all extremely effective compound movements.

 Deadlifts work nearly every muscle in your body and help improve your posterior chain. When performed correctly their are highly effective for fat lost because they work so many different areas and require a lot of energy to perform. Squats are another great excercise to promote lean muscle growth. When you squat correctly you engage your hips, legs, core, and back, it is also a very functional movement. Lunges are another great excercise that can be performed in different planes of motion. They are great for improving strength, balance, and flexibility. These movements are highly effective  because they work multiple areas and it forces you to make different muscle groups work together. If your main goal is fat loss and increasing lean muscle mass you should definitely implement compound movements into your routine. Diet will always be the most important factor to your success, but you should also be training towards your goals. If you train arms twice a week, you will definitley gain muscle in your arms, but it will do little to change your bodies composition. Work smarter not harder. Have a happy and healthy weekend!!

NSB surf report

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sugar creates an addictive cycle of hunger, fatigue, and moodiness. It initially spikes blood sugar, causing us to feel energized and happy. But since their is no real nutrients in sugar our blood sugar quickly drops, leaving us tired, moody, and craving more. Sugar causes excess storage of fat. It triggers the body to produce insulin, which tells fat cells to store more. It also causes inflammation which is seen as a precursor to chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Sugar is highly addictive and overtime can be extremely toxic to the body. Research has shown that giving up refined sugars for 5 days can dramatically reduce the body's dependence on sugar. That includes processed foods, condiments, candy baked goods, sweetened beverages and fruit juices. All of which are loaded with artificial sweeteners. The cravings will be the strongest during those first five days. These foods will help reduce cravings.

 Foods that are high in protein, fat, and fiber will help your body fight off sugar cravings. These foods are highly satisfying and keep the feeling full for longer. Good fats like omega 3's will provide you with satiety and help reduce cholesterol levels. Good options would be eggs, nuts, avocados, olive oil, humus, wild salmon, or antibiotic free chicken. Another good option is to choose green leafy vegetables over bread, pasta, and refined carbohydrates. Breads are quickly converted to sugars thus creating the same cycle. Vegetables and complex carbohydrates, which keep you feeling full for hours and helps control your blood sugar levels. Arugula and kale are great for detoxing from sugar. Pure dark chocolate (100% cacao) can also help you get off sugar by releasing endorphins without spiking your sugar. Another very important step to flushing access sugar  out of your body is drinking lots of water. Drinking plenty of water will help you feel full and also flush out sugar which can cause you to retain extra water (water weight). Its important to understand the harmful effects of sugar, and take the necessary steps to break this addictive cycle.

NSB surf report

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The main goal for everyone starting an exercise program should be to become as healthy as possible, not just look ripped, or starve yourself for results. Being healthy isn't a hobby its a lifestyle! A combination of eating well, exercising often, getting plenty of sleep, and trying to maintain balance in all aspects of your life. Eating healthy is essential to changing your bodies composition. Its impossible to out work a bad diet. You can do all the burpees, battle ropes, and tire flips you want. You will never see real results unless your eating the right foods, or more importantly staying away from the wrong ones. A healthy diet should consist of natural whole foods. Eating organic as much as possible. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken, eggs, lean cuts of beef. Trying to avoid chemical enhanced or genetically modified foods. Unfortunately the food supply in America is so flooded with these food like products, its important to understand the damage they are doing on your body.

 Nutrition isn't the only factor in a healthy lifestyle. Sleep is very important to give your mind and body time to recharge from the day. Your muscles need time to recover from a tough workout in order to grow stronger. Its also important to stretch and strengthen the body to avoid pattern overload and prevent injury. Training the whole body through compound movements, is a great way to avoid over working certain body parts and neglecting others. Stress is another major factor in your health. You cannot control your stress levels, however if you exercise, eat well, and get plenty of sleep, you will definitely be less stressed. Meditation is a very powerful stress reliever also! Remember exercise doesn't have to always be jogging or lifting weights. Swim, ride bikes, do yoga, try boxing, try different things to keep you active. It will help you not get bored as well as train your body in different positions. This is key for growth physically and emotionally. The human body was designed to eat foods that the earth provides, not chemicals cooked up in a lab to cut back food cost. If you treat your body right it will treat you right back! Have a healthy and happy week!

NSB surf report