Thursday, December 31, 2015

Chicken and vegetable stir fry with sweet potato mash

Ingredients: coconut oil, salt, pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, onions, rosemary, green wise chicken breast, sweet potato.

1) Preheat the oven to 450. Wash your sweet potato then wrap it in tin foil and place it in the oven for 40-50 minutes.

 2) Fire up the grill and start seasoning your chicken breast. Once the grill is hot and place the seasoned chicken on the grill.

3) Gather all other ingredients, then place 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Start chopping up vegetables into quarter size pieces. Place all the chopped veggies in the frying pan. Then top with salt, pepper, and chopped rosemary.

4) The chicken will take 15-20 minutes on the grill depending on the size of the breast. Keep stirring the vegetables to let the flavors infuse together. By this time your sweet potato should be about finished.

5) Once the chicken is cooked take it off the grill to cool. Take the cooked sweet potato out of the tin foil then split it down the middle to cool off. Slice up the chicken and throw it onto the stir fry at low heat. Take the sweet potato out of its skin and mash it up with your fork. Place the stir fry on your plate with the sweet potato mash and get ready for a healthy flavorful dinner! Remember eating healthy doesn't have to be boring and repetitive. Cook with different herbs and spices to add flavors to dishes. Have a healthy and happy last day of the year!


Monday, December 21, 2015

Thier are several differnt techniques for stretching. Self myofascial release is a technique that focuses on the tissue that surrounds and separates the muscle. By applying gentle force to bundled muscle fibers or a "knot" it will help break up the muscle fibers and release unwanted tension which can lead to muscular imbalances. A foam roller is a highly effective method of myofascial release. You must roll out until you find a tendor spot and maintain steady pressure for a minimum of 30 seconds. The more painful the knot the more time you should spend trying to release the tension. This method is extremely important for athletes or people who live active lifestyles. Another technique is static stretching. This is a more tradition method that focuses on stretching a muscle with lower force and longer duration. Usually trying to hold the point of tension for 30 seconds. This allows the muscle to relax and allows for better elongation of the muscle. This method is often used to decrease muscle spindle activity of a tight muscle before and after an activity.

  Another technique is Active isolated stretching is the process of using agonist and synergistic to dynamically move the joint into a range of motion. This method is predominantly used  for warm ups before sporting events or high intensity excercises. If an individual posses any muscular or postural imbalance this technique will not recommended. Typically 5 to 10 repetitions of each stretch performed and held 1 to 2 seconds each. Dynamic stretching uses the force production of a muscle and the bodies momentum to take a joint through the full available range of motion. Hip swings, medicine ball rotations, and walking lunges are good examples of dynamic stretching. This method is also only recommended if the person has good levels of core stability and balance.  The main thing I try to preach to clients is to live as healthy as they can. Training shouldn't just be about looking a certain way. The goal is to be healthy, strong, flexible, fast, and well balanced. Stretching might not be the most exciting activity in the world but it's so important to your have your body operate at a high level.

NSB surf report

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Goals and strategies for stabilization training. This is where new clients or anyone starting an Excercise program for the first time should start. The main focus for this type of training is to increase muscular indurance and stability while developing optimal neuromuscular efficientcy. Enhance joint stability, increase flexibility, enhance control of posture, and improving coordination and balance. This type of training addresses the existing structural deficiencies, and also provides a superior way to alter body composition. Training in a unstable, yet controllable environment. Light weight with high repitions. No matter what your goals are in fitness you will never reach them without addressing your muscular or postural imbalances.

 This is the basics for enhancing your body and getting it to run at a high efficientcy. If you do not start improving your muscular and skeletal system eventually it will lead to pattern overload and Injury. Your goal should always be to become a healthier person, not just wanting a certain look. The human body wants To be strengthened and stretched. It was not designed to sit on the couch all day eating processed foods. It was designed  to run, jump, twist, turn, lift, and pull. To eat natural food that comes from the earth. Your body is capable of amazing things if it's taken care of properly. One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting a fitness routine is trying to do to much to quick. If you have lived a unhealthy lifestle for sometime you can't expect a couple weeks of tough workouts to replace months/years of being sedentary. The key to success is taking it one day at a time. Addressing any imbalances you may have, eating healthy natural food, and giving your body enough time rest and recover. Finding a balance that will keep your body running effectively and feeling good for years to come. Several small steps end up covering a lot of ground. Have a healthy and happy Wednesday!,