Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fresh Wild Caught Shrimp with Jalapeño Peach Salsa.

Ingredients: coconut oil, salt, pepper, cilantro, lime, onions, jalapeños, bell peppers, cucumber, avacado, ripe peach, and fresh wild caught shrimp.

1) Gather and wash all vegetables and herbs. Start slicing up the veggies and place them in a shallow dished bowl.

2) Once you have sliced up all the veggies, chop up some cilantro and add to the veggies. Slice up 5-6 limes adding the lime juice to the veggies and herbs. Slice up a peach and add it as well. Stir thouroghly and set in the refrigerator to chill and let the favors infuse together.

3) Clean and devein shrimp. Season them with salt and pepper. Melt some coconut oil over medium heat then add in the shrimp when the oil is completely melted. Cook shrimp 2-3 minutes on each side depending on the size of your shrimp.

4) Slice up a avacado and a little bit more cilantro to add flavor to the dish.

5) Pullout the jalapeño salsa and start plating. Add the cooked shrimp on top with some avacado and enjoy a very flavorful and nutritious meal

The most important factor to your health and well being is what you put into your body. Food is fuel. Choose wisely!!