Monday, August 24, 2015

We need to teach the next generation the importance of  eating healthy natural foods. Kids are sponges, they absorb what they learn at a early age and these habits usually stick with them into adulthood. It is are responsibility as parents, teachers, coaches, and community members to ensure we stop the current trend of obesity and chronic disease occurring in our country. It amazes me that we still have soda machines, snack machines, and highly processed foods in every school in this country. Thier is nothing more important to your health than what you put into your body. You cannot rely on the school system to provide kids with the foods they need to to have a well balanced diet. Kids need fruits, vegetables, and natural foods, not a bunch of highly processed, sugary snacks.

Its that time of the year again when kids go back to school. Instead of ceral in the morning, try making them eggs and fruit. A healthy breakfast is very important to having energy to make it through the day. Encourage them to bring fruit, veggies, and nuts to snack on. Having a candy bar or some cheese sticks once in awhile is fine, but when kids live off these highly processed foods they start to develop problems. Until the food supply in the school system is completely revamped and healthier choices are available in abundance, we must all play a part in educating future generations.
You really are what you eat, so choose carefully!!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Their are numerous benefits to strength training. In the fitness industry you meet a lot of people who don't want to lift weights because they think that it will make them bigger. When your goal is fat loss, which is the case for the majority of clients that hirer trainers, building muscle is essential to your success. The more muscle you have on your body the less fat you will have. Muscle also takes more energy to maintain than fat, so the more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn to maintain these muscles. People are often so concerned with weight-loss that they judge their progress solely on what the scale reads which is a recipe for disappointment. So many different factors effect the scale, you will drive yourself crazy stepping on it every morning awaiting results. The most effective way to lose fat and build muscle is to eat the right foods, strength training, drinking enough water, and getting plenty of sleep.

 Cardiovascular exercise is an important factor to your health, but not necessarily the most effective for fat loss. Combined with the previously mentioned activities it can definitely help you reach your goal, but just doing cardio isn't going to help you build the muscle you need to burn fat. People who only do cardio usually burn as much muscle as fat, so they might lose weight, but their body composition will stay the same. My advice to anyone who's goal is to lose fat, is go to the gym and start training! The more muscle you build, the more energy you will burn at rest. Learn how the body works and then make it work for you! Their really is no better feeling in the world than being fit and healthy!!

NSB surf report

Monday, August 17, 2015

                                                Broiled Chicken with a Lime and Cilantro Salad
Ingredients: Chicken breast, cucumber, cilantro, lime, bell peppers, onions, jalapenos, salt, pepper
1) First chop up all the ingredients for the salad. Dice everything up to roughly dime size pieces, then place them into a bowl. Chop up the  cucumbers, onions, peppers, and cilantro then squeeze four to five limes into the salad. Sit the bowl into the refrigerator and let the flavors infuse together.
2) Preheat the oven to 375. Place a piece of tin foil over a baking sheet. Season your chicken, I used salt, pepper, and creole seasoning. Bake the chicken for 15-20 minutes, then turn on the broiler for about 3-5minutes  to char up the seasoning. It gives the chicken a good crust that goes awesome with the salad! The last thing you have to do is plate the salad and slice up your chicken. This is a flavorful, healthy, and delicious dish!!


Friday, August 14, 2015

The importance of spending time in nature. In todays busy world sometimes we forget to take some time to appreciate all the beauty that surrounds us. Working all week indoors can take its toll on the body. Stress can be very harmful to the mind and body as well. It is very important to disconnect from all your daily chores and duties and spend some time alone with good old mother nature. Research has shown that walking barefoot for as little as 10 minutes can seriously reduce stress levels. If you spend long hours indoors whether at school, work, home or the gym, you are often breathing in stale air, recycled thru dirty filters. Go outside, breath in the fresh air, and allow your body to recharge. Their is numerous benefits of exercising outdoors, including decreased anxiety, reduced stress, and increased energy levels.

 We have become a society who is so connected to computers and television that most people spend their downtime glued to the tube. If you are always starring at a screen your not giving you mind a chance to rest. Go sit in the sun, watch the trees sway in the wind, and  just breath. Leave all your problems and worries inside and unplug for a little bit.You will be amazed how much more relaxed and focused you feel. So turn off Netflix, leave your cell phone at home, and go spend some time outside. Your body will thank you. Being healthy isn't about looking a certain way, its about feeling good and treating your body how it deserves to be treated. Have a healthy and happy Friday!     

NSB surf report

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This is one of my clients who's had great success since she's chosen a healthier lifestyle. Gail Thomas is 51 years young and works full time! She trains 2-3 times a week with me, and also comes in on her own time. While eating healthy and natural foods, she has also been very consistent in her workouts. Gail has dropped 13 pounds, but more importantly has lost over 10% body fat since she started training without supplements, fat burners, or miracle shakes! She has gained strength and lean muscle over this time and is proof of the benefits of living an active and healthy lifestyle! This is just one of the many reasons why I love my job! Gail you are an inspiration to us all! Great job my friend!!

NSB surf report

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lower back pain is the primary cause of musculoskeletal degeneration seen in the adult population, affecting nearly 80% of adults. Research has shown low back pain is predominant among workers in enclosed work spaces ( such as offices) as well as people who engage in manual labor. This is also common for workers who sit more than three hours at a time. Another very common theme is the U.S is knee injuries. An estimated 80,000 to 100,000 ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) occur annually in the U.S population. Approximately 70% of these injuries are non contact injuries. This comes as no surprise considering the lack of activity and increased obesity occurring in our country. Their are many causes of knee or back pain, but the majority of these non contact related injuries occurs from poor mobility in your hip complex. Poor posture and repetitive movements creates dysfunction within the connective tissue in the body. For example, if you spend the majority of the day sitting, your hip flexors will tighten up. Overtime this can pull your pelvis forward forming an arch in your lower back. This causes postural distress and overtime will lead to pain and injury. Most people will try to stretch out their lower back, when the should be stretching out their hip flexors. You can stretch your back all you want, but you wont be addressing the problem until you start lengthening your flexors. This will be the only way to get your pelvis back in its correct position and alleviate your pain.

  The same is true for the knee. Both hip and ankle flexibility play a major role in the knee and how it operates. People who spend long hours sitting or standing tend to have imbalances in both these areas. Pattern overload will cause inflammation and irritation to the ligaments of the knee. Once the pain has started, people either try to work thru it, which can cause more damage, or they try to avoid using it as much as possible, which further weakens the knee. The key to correcting this issues is fixing the imbalances that cause them. The human body needs to be stretched and strengthened. Range of motion is important to keeping the kinetic chain balanced. So if you have knee or low back issues, you should consider seeing a fitness professional that can asses your posture and movements and help prevent further injury and give you a program to address and correct this imbalances.

NSB surf report

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Learning to eat the right foods, at the right time is crucial to your success in changing your bodies composition. As a trainer one of the most common herd questions is "how do a lose weight the fastest." I hate this question! My goal as a trainer is for my clients to lose weight in a healthy manner, and keep the weight off. Their is no shortcut, magic pill, or shake that will take the weight off. Fat loss is a gradual process. The reason I don't believe in meal replacements and restrictive diet plans is that they are not sustainable. Sure if you go on a really low calorie / carb diet, the scale will drop faster, but so will your energy levels. Once you stop the diet, all the weight you have lost comes right back, and you are where you started. These restrictive diets will also reek havoc on your metabolism.

  A healthy way to lose body fat, and keep it off, is fueling your body with real natural food. You want to eat four to six smaller meals throughout the day. The reason for this is to increase your metabolism and provide your body with the energy it needs to get thru the day. I m definitely not talking about McDonald four times a day. Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, wild caught fish, organic beef and poultry. The reason obesity has become such an epidemic in America is because most of our food supply is loaded with chemicals and preservatives. If you cut out added sugar, GMOs, and highly processed food, you will be amazed with how your energy levels change. Eating smaller more frequent meals also helps prevent you from overeating. A very common occurrence is people who don't eat enough during the day, then completely stuff themselves when they do have a meal. This is very tough on the digestive system. Your body can only absorb so many nutrients at one time. Anything that's not used will be stored for energy as fat. Understanding how the body works is important step to reaching your goal. So avoid all the miracle supplements and gimmicks out there. Just focus on eating real food!


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Their are many different phases of training. In todays society we have more structural imbalances due to sedentary lifestyles than ever before. Strength, power, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, an balance are all key components to fitness. It is important to address muscular imbalances and postural distress before moving on  to the next phase of training. One of the biggest mistakes of people who start an exercise program is not understanding how the body works and use improper form when lifting. This will often lead to mediocre results or injury. A fitness professional should set up a program for you that corrects these issues. The human body is capable of so much, but you will never reach its full potential until you correct these imbalances.

 Being healthy is more than just lifting weights and eating the right foods. Its about getting in touch with your body and treating it well. The body needs time to rest and recover. This is a very important
step to recharging your energy levels physically and mentally. Stress is another major factor to your health. Though we cant control are stress levels, if you exercise regularly, eat well, and get plenty of sleep, you will reduce them. People often view getting in better shape as a physical task. In reality, it is more mental than physical. Sure, the hour you spend at the gym is more physical, but what you do with the other 23 hours of your day, is where the real results come from! Self discipline to make the right lifestyle choices to reach your goals. Becoming fit and healthy is a life long journey. Everyone looks forward to the view from the top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs during the climb! Have a healthy and relaxing Sunday!!

NSB surf report