Monday, October 26, 2015

6 foods that you do not want to put in your body...

1) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Both GMOs, and the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to cause rapid tumor growth. They are a breeding ground for inflammation, cancer, and other health risk. GMOS are everywhere in todays food cycle, including most food derivatives from conventional corn, soybeans, and canola. Avoid these harmful chemicals buy choosing certified organic, certified non GMO verified, and locally grown foods that are produced naturally.

2) Processed meats- Lunch meats, bacon, sausage, and hot dogs all contain chemical preservatives that make them appear fresh and appealing, however these chemicals have been linked to cancer. Both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite have been linked to significantly  increase the risk of colon and other forms of cancer. Try to buy uncured meats made without nitrates, preferably from a grass fed source.

3) Soda- Probably one of the worst things you can put in your body. Loaded with sugar, food chemicals, and artificial colorings, soda acidifies the body and literally feeds cancer cells. Many chronic diseases have been linked to soda including obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

4) Redefined sugars- Fructose rich sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and xanthum gum, tend to rapidly spike insulin and cause inflammation. These chemicals are toxic and found in almost all cookies, cakes, sodas, sauces, and cereals that line our supermarkets shelves. This is a major reason chronic disease is at a all time high in the U.S.

5) Diet foods or beverages. Be aware of misleading marketing of these so called healthy products. Sucralose and aspartame ( two of the most commonly used sweeteners ) have been linked to numerous diseases including birth defects and cancer. They can both be found in most protein bars, shakes, and supplements.

6) Farmed salmon- These fish are often stored in overcrowded farms and fed antibiotics to avoid one sick fish contaminating the whole farm. Wild caught salmon is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, unfortunately lots of the chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides used in farm raised salmon have been linked to cancer and other health problems.  

Pay attention to what you put in your body. All 6 of these foods are common in the average American diet. As a society we have become very unhealthy over the last 50 years, with chronic disease at a all time high. Obesity, diabetes, and cancer have all been linked to these foods so why would you put them in your body??

NSB surf report 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

   The importance of enjoying your vacation without obsessing over calories or the scale. The goal when trying to lose fat and keep it off for good is balance. This is the main reason I am not a huge supplement guy or do not look for quick fixes in regards to nutrition. (Iam not talking about a protein shake or a pre workout here and there.)I am talking about a restrictive low carb low fat diet that consist mostly of liquid. If you are on a low calorie restricted diet, then have a week of exploring and trying new foods. Their is a good chance you will gain a significant amount of weight and thus starts the yoyo effect. Your body starts constantly battling between low calorie days and high calorie days. This can effect your metabolism and be taxing on the digestive system. If you normally eat a healthy well balanced diet, a few extra calories here and their will not have the same effect. If your body is use to getting enough nutrients, exercise, and rest. Your metabolism will be primed to burn off extra calorie consumption. Even if you do pack on a few extra pounds during vacation, it will come off a lot quicker.

  Being healthy isn't just about a look its a way of life. Treating others well, having good relationships with family members and loved ones. Go travel as often as you can, taste the amazing food this world has to offer. Keep your body strong and your mind stronger! Its important to take time everyday to work on yourself. When you get a chance to travel, walk as often as you can. Not just because it will help burn off some of those extra calories, but so you can experience the culture and breath in the air.  Talk to the locals, go hiking, find something you can do outdoors! Life is not meant to be spent in one spot, so travel far, and travel often! Their is something that cannot be learned in books, it can only be learned through experiences. The main goal is tying to find a healthy balance in all aspects of life. This can be extremely hard to do, and is definitely not a one size fits all answer. That is one of the beautiful thing in about life. Every person has to find a balance that works for them! So my advice is not to jump on a scale or count a calorie while your traveling. Enjoy the food, explore as much as you can and enjoy every minute of it!!

NSB surf report

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Appleberry Grilled Chicken Salad

Ingredients: Green wise chicken breast, kale, spinach, swiss chard, honeycrisp apple, strawberries, almonds, salt, pepper, jerk seasoning

1) Fire up the grill, then clean and season your chicken breast. ( I used salt, pepper, and jerk seasoning.) Once the grill is hot and the chicken is prepped, place it on the grill.

2) Gather all the other ingredients, ( fruits and veggies) and thoroughly wash them. Cut the apple in half then slice it up and cut the slices in half. Next cut off the top of the strawberries, then slice them in half.

3) Cut up veggies ( kale, spinach, swiss chard) then place them on the bottom of the plate. Take sliced fruit and place it around the perimeter of the plate. Put the dish in the refrigerator to stay cool.

4) It should take the chicken breast between 20-25 minutes depending on the size of the breast. Once chicken is fully cooked, take off the grill. Place the chicken on top of the salad and finish it off with a handful of almonds. You are about to be in food heaven!! Enjoy!!

Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring! This is a simple to make nutrient rich dish, well balanced and full of flavor!

NSB surf report

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10 Foods that will naturally help your body burn fat!

1) Nuts- They are nutrient dense foods that provide your body with energy and also provide satiety. Eating one serving of nuts a day can cut your risk of developing cardiovascular significantly.

2) Coconut oil- contains monounsaturated fats that will help control your cholesterol levels, as well as satisfy food cravings.

3) Eggs-They are an excellent source of b12, our body needs b12 to metabolize fat. Its recommended to eat eggs for breakfast, they give you lots of energy and are an excellent source of protein.

4) Berries- They are loaded with fiber, just one cup of raspberries has 6 grams. Fiber helps you feel full and also helps the digestive system work correctly.

5) Lean meats and Fish- Salmon, Tuna, and Turkey are perfect examples of these foods. They are full of omega 3s, one of their functions is to prevent stress chemicals that promote fat. They are also great sources of protein, which is key for building muscle.

6) Oatmeal- Boost energy levels, reduces cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels, helps burn fat and also aids with digestion.

7) Apples- They are packed with nutrients and are a rich source of vitamin C, also they have a lot on dietary fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly.

8) Avocados- Loaded with healthy fats and also has anti bacterial properties. They contain the amino acid Lecithin, which helps the liver run efficiently.

9) Hot peppers-  They have a compound called "capsaicin" that heats up the body, firing up your metabolism helping you to burn off excess calories. Cayenne and chili peppers cause a thermo genic effect which essentially helps boost your metabolism.

10) Green Tea- contains antioxidants that provide your metabolism a temporary boost. Sending signals to your body to start breaking down stored energy (fat)

NSB surf report